Oblikovani za resonanco zvoka, ki so edinstveni za bogato tradicijo koncertnih klavirjev, digitalni klavirji izkazujejo izjemne glasbene sposobnosti. Z združevanjem naprednih zmogljivosti, ki zadovoljujejo povišano in nežno umetnost igranja na koncertnem klavirju, s sodobnim pristopom k uživanju v glasbi ustvarili združitev, ki širi radost igranja in razkriva svet novih možnosti za vas in vaš klavir. Skozi brezprimerno glasbeno potovanje ponovno odkrijte privlačnost klavirja in čarovnijo same glasbe. Za tiste, ki iščejo obliko, ne da bi pri tem ogrozili avtentično glasbeno izvedbo, je AP-S450 vaša izbira – brezhibno prinaša radost igranja v vaš prostor.
Odklenite očarljivo bogastvo in izrazno moč, ki je lastna koncertnemu klavirju, s pomočjo napredne zvočne tehnologije.
Vsestranski in izrazni toni koncertnega klavirja, prilagojeni pesmim, žanrom in slogom igranja, ki jih imate radi, omogočajo prilagajanje vaše izvedbe.
Zvočni sistem, ustvarjen za zajemanje naravne resonance, kot da bi koncertni klavir igral neposredno pred vami. Klavijatura, ki dosega izjemno igrivost s fuzijo mehanike tolkala in digitalne tehnologije za nadzor.
Skrbno oblikovan trisedežni sistem, ki omogoča nežno igranje s pedali in zajemanje subtilnosti koncertnega klavirja. Odkrijte množico inovativnih funkcij, ki vam omogočajo ponovno odkrivanje očarljivosti igranja klavirja.
Uživajte v kompaktnem, nekompromisnem dizajnu, ki brez težav prinaša čar klavirja v vaše življenje. Raziščite novo doživetje klavirja s tremi različnimi barvnimi variacijami.
V želji ustvariti naravni in bogat resonančni zvok, ki je značilen za koncertne klavirje, s pomočjo "Multi-Dimensional Morphing AiR Sound Source". Raziščite izrazne odtenke in tekoče spremembe tonske barve, ki temeljijo na hitrosti igranja, s tehnologijo "Multi-Dimensional Morphing".
Poglobite se v zapletenosti resonance koncertnega klavirja z natančno oblikovanim "String Resonance System". Doživite pristnost koncertnega klavirja z "Mechanical Sound System", ki simulira različne mehanske zvoke klasičnega klavirja. Preklopite med štirimi nivoji tonske variacije, ki ustrezajo odpiranju in zapiranju pokrova koncertnega klavirja, s pomočjo "Lid Simulator".
S preprečevanjem poslabšanja kakovosti originalnih zvočnih vzorcev, se dosežejo lepi in izrazni toni koncertnega klavirja, ki izhajajo iz obsežnega nabora variacij valovnih oblik z uporabo "Lossless Audio Compression" .
Dva zvoka za veliki klavir, ki vam omogočata, da sprejmete bistvo zgodovinskih mojstrovin, ki so se prenašale skozi stoletja. Opremljen z 2-kanalnim zvočnim sistemom s 4 zvočniki, ki pomaga ustvariti naravno resonanco, zaradi katere se počutite, kot da bi bil klavir tik pred vami. Prilagodite svojo izkušnjo klavirja tako, da bo ustrezala vašemu slogu s funkcijo "Sound Mode", ki dodaja različne efekte zvočnemu izhodu iz akustičnega sistema. Doživite naraven zvok pri uporabi slušalk s posebej nastavljenim načinom »Headphone Mode«.
”Smart Hybrid Hammer Action Keyboard CELVIANO Edition” združuje udarni mehanizem klavirja z digitalno kontrolno tehnologijo, ki ponuja ekspresivno igranje z različnimi občutki na dotik, ki temeljijo na slogu igranja.
Bele tipke so narejene iz hibridnega materiala smrekovega lesa in smole, podobnega tistim, ki se uporabljajo na klavirjih, kar zagotavlja naraven občutek in razkošen finiš.
Imate natančen nadzor ne samo med pritiski na tipke, temveč tudi s prilagajanjem hitrosti sproščanja tipk, kar vam omogoča nežen nadzor nad časom dušenja in nians v resonanci.
Optimizirana oblika in razmik pedala, ki temeljita na velikem klavirju, vključuje pa spremenljiv "demper" pedal kar omogoča stabilno in občutljivo kontrolo pedala.
Vključitev "vizualne informacijske vrstice" na sprednji plošči omogoča vizualno potrditev hitrosti igranja, delovanja pedala, tempa in tempa prek svetlobnih indikatorjev.
Z neprekinjenim snemanjem, ki zajema do 270 sekund , vam "Instant RePlayer" omogoča, da kadar koli ponovno preverite svoje igranje, ne da bi vas skrbelo aktivno snemanje.
Uporabite priloženi "Brezžični MIDI & avdio adapter (WU-BT10)" za brezžično povezavo s svojo napravo, kar omogoča predvajanje zvoka prek zvočnega sistema inštrumenta in podatkovno komunikacijo MIDI.
Raziščite različne funkcije, ki razširijo grafično urejanje funkcij inštrumenta in izboljšajo vašo klavirsko igranje prek namenske aplikacije "CASIO MUSIC SPACE"
Barva: Črna
Število tipk: 88 Smart Hybrid Hammer Action Keyboard CELVIANO Edition (Key material:hybrid of wood & resin)
Polifonija (maksimalna): 256
Število prednastavljenih glasov: 26
Število prednastavljenih skladb: ・Built-in Songs: 60 ・Lesson Function: Part ON/OFF (Part Select: right hand, left hand, both hands) ・
Število snemalnih skladb: 2 tracks (1 system track + 1 solo track), 1 song Real-time recording, playback [Audio Recorder] To U
Ojačevalci: 20W+20W (maximum output)
Zvočniki: ・Size:12cm x 2 + 3.5cm x 2 ・Speaker system:2-channel/4-speaker
napajalnik: [AC Adaptor] AD-E24250LW
Specifikacije: Hammer Response (4 levels, tone, off)
Specifikacije II: Key Off Response (3 levels, tone)
Specifikacije III: String Resonance (4 levels, tone, off)
Lastnosti: Damper Resonance (4 levels, tone, off)
Več lastnosti: Key Action Noise (4 levels, tone, off)
Posebnosti: Damper Noise (4 levels, tone, off)
Pribor: Piano Bench, Headphones, Wireless MIDI & AUDIO Adaptor (WU-BT10), Music Stand, AC Adaptor (AD-E24250
Širina: 1,393mm
Višina: 866 mm (w/o music stand)
Globina: 299mm
Teža: 37.6kg
Dodatni opis:
Crafted to resonate with the intricate and nuanced expressions unique to the rich tradition of grand pianos, digital pianos boast exceptional musical prowess. Merging advanced capabilities that cater to the elevated and delicate art of grand piano performance with a contemporary approach to enjoying music, have created a fusion that expands the joy of playing and unveils a world of new possibilities for you and your piano. Through an unprecedented musical journey, rediscover the allure of the piano and the magic of music itself. For those seeking a slim design without compromising authentic musical performance, the AP-S450 is your choice— seamlessly bringing the joy of playing to your room.
Unlock the captivating richness and expressive prowess inherent to the grand piano with advanced sound technology.
Versatile and expressive grand piano tones tailored to the songs, genres, and playing styles you love, allowing you to personalize your performance.
A sound system that has been created to capture the natural resonance as if a grand piano were playing right in front of you.
A keyboard that achieves superior playability through the fusion of hammer action mechanics and digital control technology.
Carefully designed three-pedal system that enables delicate pedal work, capturing the subtleties of a grand piano.
Discover a multitude of innovative features that allow you to rediscover the enchantment of playing the piano.
Enjoy a compact, uncompromised design that effortlessly brings the charm of the piano into your life.
Explore a new piano experience with three distinct color variations, including the elegant Rosewood-style brown.
Striving to create the natural and rich resonance unique to grand pianos with the "Multi-Dimensional Morphing AiR Sound Source"
Explore the expressive nuances and seamless changes in tone based on your playing velocity and the passage of time with our "Multi-Dimensional Morphing Technology.
Dive deep into the intricacies of a grand piano's resonance with our meticulously crafted "String Resonance System"
Experience the authenticity of a grand piano with our "Mechanical Sound System," that simulates various mechanical sounds.
Toggle between four levels of tonal variation that corresponds to the opening and closing of the grand piano lid with the "Lid Simulator"
Prevent the degradation of the original waveform quality, achieving beautiful and expressive grand piano tones that are generated from a vast array of waveform variations with the "Lossless Audio Compression"
Two grand piano tone that let you embrace the essence of historical masterpieces passed down through the ages.
Equipped with a 2-channel 4-speaker sound system that helps create the natural resonance that makes you feel as if a grand piano were right in front.
Customize your piano experience to suit your style with the "Sound Mode" function, which adds various effects to the sound output from the acoustic system.
Experience a natural and expansive sound when using headphones with the specially tuned "Headphone Mode."
The ”Smart Hybrid Hammer Action Keyboard CELVIANO Edition” combines the hammer action mechanism of a grand piano with digital control technology, offering expressive playability with varied touch sensations based on the playing style and range.
The white keys are made with a hybrid material of spruce wood and resin, similar to those used in grand pianos, ensuring a natural feel and a luxurious finish.
You have precise control not just during key presses but also by adjusting the key release speed, allowing you to delicately control the timing of dampening and nuances in resonance.
Incorporating a ”Visual Information Bar” on the front panel, allows for visual confirmation of playing velocity, pedal operation, tempo, and beat through light indicators.
With continuous recording that covers up to 270 seconds previously, the "Instant RePlayer" allows you to revisit your performance anytime without worrying about actively recording.
Utilize the included "Wireless MIDI & Audio Adaptor (WU-BT10)" to wirelessly connect with your smart device, enabling audio playback through the instrument's sound system and MIDI data communication.
Explore a variety of features that expand the graphical editing of the instrument's functions and enhance your piano experience through the dedicated app "CASIO MUSIC SPACE"
Color: Black
Number of Keys: 88 Smart Hybrid Hammer Action Keyboard CELVIANO Edition (Key material:hybrid of wood & resin)
Number of Polyphony (Max.): 256
Number of Preset Voices: 26
Number of Preset Songs: ・Built-in Songs: 60 ・Lesson Function: Part ON/OFF (Part Select: right hand, left hand, both hands) ・
Number of Songs for Recording: 2 tracks (1 system track + 1 solo track), 1 song Real-time recording, playback [Audio Recorder] To U
Amplifiers: 20W+20W (maximum output)
Speakers: ・Size:12cm x 2 + 3.5cm x 2 ・Speaker system:2-channel/4-speaker
Power Supply: [AC Adaptor] AD-E24250LW
Specifications: Hammer Response (4 levels, tone, off)
Specifications II: Key Off Response (3 levels, tone)
Specifications III: String Resonance (4 levels, tone, off)
Features: Damper Resonance (4 levels, tone, off)
Features II: Key Action Noise (4 levels, tone, off)
Features III: Damper Noise (4 levels, tone, off)
Accessories: Piano Bench, Headphones, Wireless MIDI & AUDIO Adaptor (WU-BT10), Music Stand, AC Adaptor (AD-E24250
Width: 1,393mm
Height: 866 mm (w/o music stand)
Depth: 299mm
Weight: 37.6kg