Originalna navodila v slovenščini vsebujejo samo Casio klaviature kupljene v Sloveniji.
Casio CT-x700 je 5 oktavna klaviatura namenjena začetnikom kot tudi bolj zahtevnim glasbenikom, ki potrebujejo lahko prenosno klaviaturo z dobrimi zvoki.
Casio je razvil AiX zvočni generator, ki omogoča boljši zvok klaviature, ki je bil do sedaj dosegljiv samo pri bistveno dražjih izdelkih. Med zvoki najdemo odličen koncertni klavir, elektronska pianina z vintage efekti (phaser, flanger…), zvoke trobil in pihal s posnetim naravnim vibratom glasbenika in vsemi prizvoki, kot so pihanje, zvok tipk, boljše zvoke kitar, bas kitar, bobnov in še mnogo več. Klaviatura premore layer funkcijo – z eno roko lahko igramo dva zvoka hkrati.
Ogromno vgrajenih ritmov omogoča izvajanje različnih glasbenih zvrsti. 10 uporabniških mest omogoča shranjevanje lastnih ritmov. Klaviatura premore 32 spominskih mest kjer lahko shranimo vse potrebne nastavitve za igranje pesmi – ritem , hitrost, izbrane zvoke in druge nastavitve. Zaigrane pesmi lahko posnamemo in jih kasneje poslušamo. Music preset ponuja programirane akordične kombinacije za različne glasbene zvrsti, shranjene so tudi nastavitve izbire zvokov za posamezni ritem. Dance mode je noviteta kjer lahko tudi neizkušeni glasbeniki s pomočjo nasnetih loopov in efektov ustvarijo odlične lastne dance podlage.
Za začetnike je dobrodošla Lesson funkcija, s pomočjo katere se lahko sami naučimo igrati več različnih pesmi. Klaviatura omogoča tudi učenje z uporabo Casio Chordana programa, audio priklop telefona ali tablice na zvočnike klaviature, priklop sustain pedala… Casio CT-x700 deluje tudi na baterije, kar še izboljša uporabnost klaviature.
Ob nakupu Casio klaviature vam nudimo nakup pribora s 30% popustom ( pri naročilu vtipkajte kodo CAS30)
Število tipk: 61standard size keys with Touch Response
Polifonija (maksimalna): 48
Število prednastavljenih glasov: 600
Število prednastavljenih skladb: 160, User Songs: 10
Zvočniki: 12cm x 2 (Output: 2.5W + 2.5W)
napajalnik: AD-E95100L, Batteries: 6 AA-size alkaline batteries
Specifikacije: Built-in Rhythms: 195, User Rhythms: 10
Širina: 94.8 cm
Višina: 10.9 cm
Globina: 35.0 cm
Teža: 4.3 kg
Dodatni opis:
Wherever you are on your musical journey, and no matter your budget, you shouldn't have to compromise on sound quality. Meet the CT-X700. Its modest price makes it the right choice for casual or beginning players, and its stunning sound makes it a must-have for keyboardists of any level who need a portable instrument.
What truly sets the CT-X700 apart from other portable keyboards is its heart: The powerful AiX Sound Source. This technology makes the CT-X700 sound like a keyboard costing hundreds, if not thousands of dollars more.
Sound Your Best
Play a grand piano, and hear a meticulously-recorded 9-foot grand in a virtual concert hall. Play an electric piano, and hear vintage phasers and amplifier models that take you back in time. Play a flute, trumpet, or saxophone, and hear natural breath and vibrato. Play a bass, and hear the player switch techniques based on how hard you press the keys. Play a synth, and add an arpeggiator and drum part, and create the next EDM hit.
The list goes on. Use the Category button to explore the 600 Tones, and in each category you'll find an incredible variety of lifelike instruments that go far beyond your expectations.
Bring In The Band
With hundreds of built-in Rhythms, you'll always have a band ready to jam. The variety of Rhythms spans the globe as well as the history of popular music. You'll find old favorites and chart-topping hits, all played with incredibly realistic instruments that sound better than ever. The drum kits come alive with authentic acoustic drums, vintage drum machine sounds, and a huge collection of percussion instruments and sound effects.
Built in song and Lesson System
Quickly capture your inspiration with the six-track recorder, or enjoy the library of 100 built-in Songs. Use the Step-Up Lesson system, to easily learn the Songs, with the display showing proper fingering and notation.
Connect and Create
The CT-X700's class-compliant USB-MIDI port connects to any Mac, PC, Android or iOS device with no drivers or installation needed. The included music rest is designed to support tablets, and there's even a built-in smartphone shelf to hold your device as you use the CT-X700 with your favorite music apps.
Sound Great Anytime, Anywhere
The CT-X700 is compact and lightweight, with a tough molded plastic case. and its optional battery power makes it perfect as a go-anywhere musical partner.
Number of Keys: 61standard size keys with Touch Response
Number of Polyphony (Max.): 48
Number of Preset Voices: 600
Number of Preset Songs: 160, User Songs: 10
Speakers: 12cm x 2 (Output: 2.5W + 2.5W)
Power Supply: AD-E95100L, Batteries: 6 AA-size alkaline batteries
Specifications: Built-in Rhythms: 195, User Rhythms: 10
Width: 94.8 cm
Height: 10.9 cm
Depth: 35.0 cm
Weight: 4.3 kg