THOMASTIK VIS100, komplet strun za violino Vision Solo 4/4, hitro odzivne strune za violino, ki s svojimi lastnostmi pripomoroje k vaši ustvarjalnosti in izraznosti, krasi jih hitra in dinamična odzivnost. Violinske strune Vision Solo se ponašajo s tehnično napredno strukturo, ki ustvarjajo mešanico izjemne zmogljivosti in igralskih lastnosti. Ponujajo izjemno toploto z osredotočenostjo in jasnostjo ter energično in intenzivno projekcijo. Z napredno tehnologijo sintetičnega jedra jih je enostavno igrati in uigrati v samo eni do dveh urah. Ponujajo neprimerljivo stabilnost uglaševanja, se hitro odzivajo in so bolj trpežne kot večina sintetičnih jedrnih strun.
Debelina strun: Srednje
Material strun: VIS01 e² mi² I Carbon steel Tin plated
2. struna material: VIS02 a¹ la¹ II Synthetic core Aluminum wound
3. struna material: VIS03 d¹ re¹ III Synthetic core Aluminum wound
4. struna material: VIS04 g sol IV Synthetic core Silver wound
Tip strun: Kroglica
Napetost strun: medium
Velikost: 4/4
Dolžina: vibrating string length 32.5 cm | 12.8"
Dodatni opis:
THOMASTIK VIS100; Vision Solo violin strings feature a technically advanced formulation and architecture designed to produce a blend of exceptional performance and playing characteristics. They offer great warmth with focus and clarity as well as energetic and intense projection. Using advanced synthetic core technology, they are easy to play and settle-in in just one to two hours. They offer unparalleled tuning stability, respond quickly and are more durable than most synthetic core strings.
String Gauge: Medium
1st String Material: VIS01 e² mi² I Carbon steel Tin plated
2nd String material: VIS02 a¹ la¹ II Synthetic core Aluminum wound
3rd String Material: VIS03 d¹ re¹ III Synthetic core Aluminum wound
4th String Material: VIS04 g sol IV Synthetic core Silver wound
String End Type: Ball End
String Tension: medium
Size: 4/4
Length: vibrating string length 32.5 cm | 12.8"