

Original price was: 48,74 €.Current price is: 46,30 €.

Šifra artikla: TRE-HS05 – EAN: 674086005213 – Skupina: Bobni in tolkala > Percussion > Ostala tolkala – Znamka: SCHLAGWERK

2 in stock

SKU: TRE-HS05 Categories: , ,


TRE-HS05 triangel 4

Izjemno utrjeno visokoogljično jeklo za čudovit svetleč zvok. Različne velikosti trikotnikov za doseganje najboljšega možnega zvoka.

TRE-HS05 kaljen pri 500 °C daje temu trianglu celoten spekter zvoka, medtem ko ultra tanek cinkov premaz ne vpliva na naravne zvočne lastnosti zlitine.

TRE-HS05 triangel je ročno upognjen in testiran. Brez tovarniške množične proizvodnje.

Les: Oreh
Specifikacije: Wood body: Tennessee Black Walnut
Specifikacije II: Triangle 5'
Specifikacije III: Handmade in Nashville, Tennessee
Lastnosti: High carbon triangle in studio quality

Dodatni opis:

Extremely hardened high carbon steel for a wonderfully shimmering sound. Graduated diameter for different triangle sizes to achieve the best possible sound.

TRE-HS05 tempering at 500 °C gives these triangles a full spectrum of sound, while the ultra-thin zinc coating does not affect the natural sound properties of the alloy. Each triangle is hand-bent and ear-tested. No factory mass production.

Wood: Walnut
Specifications: Wood body: Tennessee Black Walnut
Specifications II: Triangle 5'
Specifications III: Handmade in Nashville, Tennessee
Features: High carbon triangle in studio quality