
SCHLAGWERK CAP200 pedal za cajon

Original price was: 272,63 €.Current price is: 259,00 €.

Šifra artikla: CAP200 – EAN: 4260094114342 – Skupina: Bobni in tolkala > Percussion > Cajoni – Znamka: SCHLAGWERK

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CAP200 CAJON PEDAL ni le posodobljena različica dobro znane originalne zasnove, temveč popolnoma nov pedal. Držite se zasnove kabelskega prenosa, saj je prilagodljivost nastavitve veliko boljša od katere koli druge oblike pedala.

CAP200 CAJON PEDAL je zasnovan tako, da se običajen cajon udari točno na najboljšo možno točko za najboljši zvok in efekt. Uporabljate ga lahko ne glede na to, kateri cajon imate pred seboj. Poleg tega bo nov pedal ponovno dostavljena s torbo in pakiranjem po meri.

Specifikacije: Steel cable with Teflon coating ensures extremely smooth operation
Specifikacije II: Pedal plate in longboard design for a large dynamic range
Specifikacije III: Double Cam construction (patented) – offers a very direct playing feel
Lastnosti: Flat design – Bowden cable runs flat across the floor – no more tripping
Več lastnosti: Optimal beater impact point on playing surface thanks to perfect coordination of the pedal and base plate construction
Pribor: Delivery incl. Pedal bag (TA200) with inlay for safe transport
Širina: 60 cm Dimensions with base plate
Globina: 100 cm

Dodatni opis:

CAP200 CAJON PEDAL is not just an updated version of the well-known original design, but a completely new pedal. Stick to a remote cable design as the setup flexibility is far superior to any other pedal design.

CAP200 CAJON PEDAL designed pedal in such a way that a normal cajon strikes exactly at the sweet spot for the best sound. No matter which cajon. In addition, new pedal will again be delivered with a bag and a custom inlay.

Specifications: Steel cable with Teflon coating ensures extremely smooth operation
Specifications II: Pedal plate in longboard design for a large dynamic range
Specifications III: Double Cam construction (patented) – offers a very direct playing feel
Features: Flat design – Bowden cable runs flat across the floor – no more tripping
Features II: Optimal beater impact point on playing surface thanks to perfect coordination of the pedal and base plate construction
Accessories: Delivery incl. Pedal bag (TA200) with inlay for safe transport
Width: 60 cm Dimensions with base plate
Depth: 100 cm