Palica Promark Simon Phillips proizvaja svetel in uglajen zvok. Ta palica ima Promarkov standardni premer 5A z dolgim konusom, zaradi česar je hitra in odzivna.
Les: Hickory
konica palice: Sodček
material konice: Les
Premer: 14,0 mm
Dolžina: 413 mm
Teža: 46,0 g
Dodatni opis:
The ProMark Simon Phillips drumstick produces a bright and articulate sound. This drumstick has ProMark Classic's 5A diameter with a long taper, making it fast and responsive.
Wood: Hickory
Tip Shape: Barrel
Tip Material: Wood
Diameter: 14,0 mm
Length: 413 mm
Weight: 46,0 g