NUX DM-210; elektronski bobnarski komplet; Postavite ga lahko kamor koli želite. Lahko vadite v svoji sobi in ga nato brez velikih naporov postavite tudi na oder ali v studijo. NUX DM-210 je lahek za transport ter za postavitev, prav tako ga lahko kvalitetno ozvočite in si nastavite zvoke na njegovem zvočnem modulu ter se tako prilagodite kateremu koli stilu glasbe in uporabe ter tako svoj odrski nastop obogatite z različnimi zvoki. V studiju vam omogoči neomejeno številu miksov ter dodatne obdelave vaših posnetkov, tako da se z lahkoto prilagodite nastali situaciji v trenutku. NUX DM-210 omogoča nemoteno vadbo tudi v večernih urah, saj ga boste lahko uporabili z uporabo slušalk. Bobnarski (mash) mrežasti padi pa omogočajo najboljši občutek pravih bobnov, kot ga do sedaj niste bili vajeni.
Barva: Črna
Bobnarski set: Elektronski komplet
Zvočni modul: DM-210
Prehodni boben: 8'' x3
Snare boben: 8''
Činele: 10'' Hi-hat x1, 10'' Crash x1, 10'' Ride x1
Specifikacije: Kick x1
Specifikacije II: Hi-hat Control x1
Specifikacije III: Kick Pedal x1
Lastnosti: MIDI Data through USB Port
Več lastnosti: Headphone, DC-9V, L/MONO R Output , Aux In, USB, Cymbal Trigger In
Posebnosti: All Mesh Drum Heads
Dodatni opis:
NUX DM-210; electronic drum kit; You can place it wherever you want. You can rehearse in your room and then effortlessly place it on stage or in the studio as well. NUX DM-210 is easy to transport and set up, you can also connect it on PA and adjust the sounds on its sound module, thus adapting to any style of music and use, thus enriching your stage performance with different sounds. In the studio, it allows you an unlimited number of mixes and additional processing of your recordings, so you can easily adapt to the situation on the stage. The NUX DM-210 allows for training even in the evening, as you will be able to use it with headphones. Drum mash pads, on the other hand, give you the best feeling of real drums like you've ever been used to.
You are getting closer to becoming a drum master! Keep going with DM-210
Color: Black
Drumset: Electronic Drums Set
Sound Module: DM-210
Tom: 8'' x3
Snare Drum: 8''
Cymbals: 10'' Hi-hat x1, 10'' Crash x1, 10'' Ride x1
Specifications: Kick x1
Specifications II: Hi-hat Control x1
Specifications III: Kick Pedal x1
Features: MIDI Data through USB Port
Features II: Headphone, DC-9V, L/MONO R Output , Aux In, USB, Cymbal Trigger In
Features III: All Mesh Drum Heads