NUX NTU-3 Flow Tune MKII ima 4 načine uglaševanja, vključno s kromatskim, kitarskim STD, kitarskim CPS in basovskim. NTU-3, izboljšan za kitariste, vključuje Guitar STD (Standardno) in Guitar CPS (Compensated).
Navdihnjen s stilom uglaševanja Jamesa Taylorja, imenovanim Compensated Tuning.
FLOW TUNE ne vsebuje samo true bypass za oddajanje zvoka točno tako, kot je bil vnesen, ampak zdaj vključuje tudi vgrajene načine BUFFER/BUFFER MONITOR. Večina električnih kitar uporablja pasivne magnete z visoko impedanco.
Pri uporabi kabla je opazna izguba tona, običajno visokih frekvenc, po približno 6 m in ta težava je hujša, ko je kabel daljši. Buffer okrepi signal prek dolgih kablov, da se izogne izgubi tona in ga ohranja čistega in čistega – tudi ko je pedal izključen.
BUFFER izboljša kakovost zvoka v bypass načinu, tako da lahko še vedno ohranite vrhunsko kakovost zvoka, tudi če uporabljate dolg kabel za povezavo s uglaševalcem ali ko vstavite uglaševalec v zapleteno ploščo z efekti.
In z načinom BUFFER MONITOR lahko celo spremljate vse note, ki jih igrate v realnem času.
Barva: Modra
Vhodna upornost: 10MΩ
Izhodna upornost: 1KΩ
Zaslon: Display modes: Strobo Mode, Arrow Mode 1, Arrow Mode 2
Poraba toka:
Dodatni opis:
The NUX NTU-3 Flow Tune MKII features 4 tuning modes including Chromatic, Guitar STD, Guitar CPS, Bass. Enhanced for guitarists, the NTU-3 includes Guitar STD(Standard) and Guitar CPS(Compensated).
Inspired by the tuning style of James Taylor, aka Compensated Tuning, here is the method.
The FLOW TUNE not only features a true bypass for outputting the sound exactly as it was inputted, but now includes built-in BUFFER/BUFFER MONITOR modes.
Most electric guitars use passive pickups with a high impedance output. When using a cable, there is a perceivable loss of tone, usually high frequencies, after about 6 m (around 18 feet) and this problem gets worse the longer your cable. A buffer boosts the signal over long cables to avoid loss of tone, keeping it clean and clear – even when your pedal is off.
The BUFFER enhances the sound quality in bypass mode, so that you can still maintain superior audio quality even when using a long cable to connect to the tuner, or when inserting the tuner into a complex effects board. And with the BUFFER MONITOR mode, you can even monitor all the notes you play in real time.
Color: Blue
Input Impedance: 10MΩ
Output Impedance: 1KΩ
Display: Display modes: Strobo Mode, Arrow Mode 1, Arrow Mode 2
Current Draw: