
LARSEN MAGNACORE 2D Medium 4/4 struna za čelo

Original price was: 51,00 €.Current price is: 48,45 €.

Šifra artikla: 639426 – EAN: – Skupina: Godala > Strune za godala > Posamezne strune za violončelo – Znamka: LARSEN

1 in stock


Z novimi strunami Magnacore smo zvoku dodali čudovit rob – prijeten in svetel, tako da nosi, a vseeno s slavno Larsenovo okroglostjo. Te strune ponujajo številne zvočne barve, od svetle do temne, v kombinaciji z novo jasnostjo in sijajem – resnično pevskim zvokom.

Debelina strun: Srednje
2. struna material: Spirocore with Tungsten wound core-material Steel Cable
Tip strun: Kroglica
Velikost: 4/​4

Dodatni opis:

With the new Magnacore strings we added a lovely edge to the sound – nice and bright so it carries but still with the famous Larsen roundness. These strings offer many sound colours, from bright to dark, combined with a new clarity and brilliance – a truly singing sound.

String Gauge: Medium
2nd String material: Spirocore with Tungsten wound core-material Steel Cable
String End Type: Ball End
Size: 4/​4