Učbenik Solfeggio II je namenjen pouku solfeggia II na nadaljevalni stopnji osnovnega glasbenega izobraževanja v nižjih glasbenih šolah.
Glasbenoteoretična in oblikovna znanja, ki naj bi jih učenci med šolskim letom usvojili, so v učbeniku pregledno razložena v obarvanih poljih. Učenci učno snov spoznavajo in utrjujejo ob različnih glasbenih vsebinah ter z dejavnostmi, ki omogočajo in spodbujajo njihovo aktivnost pri pouku. Naloge pod naslovi Ponovimo so namenjene utrjevanju učne snovi ali služijo kot priprava na preverjanje znanja.
Na koncu učbenika je poleg strani za pisanje melodično-ritmičnih in ritmičnih narekov dodanih še 32 ritmičnih vaj, 4 vaje ritmičnega večglasja, 7 vaj za metrični utrip, 12 vaj za ritmično branje – parlato, 22 melodičnih vaj, pesmarica, vaje namenjene domačim nalogam ter tri strani s praznim notnim črtovjem.
Dodatni opis:
The Solfeggio II textbook is intended for teaching solfeggio II at the advanced level of basic music education in lower music schools. The music theory and design knowledge that students are supposed to acquire during the school year is clearly explained in the textbook in colored boxes.
Students learn and consolidate the learning material through various musical content and activities that enable and encourage their activity in class. The tasks under the headings Let's repeat are intended to consolidate the learning material or serve as preparation for knowledge testing.
At the end of the textbook, in addition to a page for writing melodic-rhythmic and rhythmic dictations, there are also 32 rhythmic exercises, 4 exercises for rhythmic polyphony, 7 exercises for metrical beat, 12 exercises for rhythmic reading – parlato, 22 melodic exercises, a songbook, exercises for homework and three pages with empty musical staff.