
DUNLOP KH95 KIRK HAMMETT Cry Baby Wah kitarski efekt pedal

Original price was: 263,16 €.Current price is: 250,00 €.

Šifra artikla: 53901 – EAN: 710137042285 – Skupina: Kitare > Efekti za kitaro in bas > Wah Wah pedali – Znamka: DUNLOP EFFECTS

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Dunlop KH95; Cry Baby Wah ponuja konkreten, kompakten visokotonski zvočni spekter in izreden dinamični razpon Kirka Hammetta, z originalno grafiko. Zdaj lahko z novim Kirk Hammett Cry Baby Wah dosežete legendarni wah ton kot ga poznate že od nekdaj. Pedal razvit v tesnem sodelovanju z ikono metal kitare, je bil natančno zasnovan in zastavljen, da je dosegel wah zvok, ki je napravil metal solo kitaro takšno kot jo poznamo sedaj. To je legendarni ton, ki ga Kirk uporablja v studiju in na odru.. Dunlop inženirji so vzeli Kirkove nastavitve EQ -ja, volumna in tona – ki izražajo desetletja obstoja Cry Baby in te tone so repruducirali v tem wah pedalu.

Tip efekta: Wah
Nominalni vhodni nivo: -13.5 dBV
Vhodna upornost: 680 kΩ
Nominalni izhodni nivo: +6.5 dBV
Izhodna upornost: 4.7 kΩ
Napajanje: 9V DC
Poraba toka: 4 mA
Specifikacije: Heel Down +17 dB at 300 Hz to 380 Hz
Specifikacije II: Toe Down +21 dB at 1.4 kHz to 1.8 kHz
Specifikacije III: Bypass Hardwire

Dodatni opis:

This Cry Baby Wah captures Kirk Hammett's thick top end and full dynamic range with custom graphics and tread.
Now you can command the same killer wah tone as Kirk with the new Kirk Hammett Cry Baby Wah. Developed in close collaboration with the metal guitar icon himself, it has been meticulously tuned and tweaked to deliver the wah sound that revolutionized metal solos. This is the legendary tone that Kirk dials in on tour using his Cry Baby Rack Wah. Dunlop's engineers took Kirk's EQ, volume and tone settings—reflecting decades of blazing Cry Baby riffology—and reproduced them with exacting precision. This pedal is exceptionally even in response as you move from heel to toe, with a thick top end and full dynamic range. Dare to step into the footprint of a giant. Own a piece of the legend: the Kirk Hammett Signature Wah from Dunlop.

Effect Type: Wah
Nominal Input Level: -13.5 dBV
Input Impedance: 680 kΩ
Nominal Output Level: +6.5 dBV
Output Impedance: 4.7 kΩ
Power Supply: 9V DC
Current Draw: 4 mA
Specifications: Heel Down +17 dB at 300 Hz to 380 Hz
Specifications II: Toe Down +21 dB at 1.4 kHz to 1.8 kHz
Specifications III: Bypass Hardwire