Originalna navodila v slovenščini vsebujejo samo Casio pianina kupljena v Sloveniji.
CASIO AP-550, so zasnovani tako, da zazvenijo kot koncertni klasični klavir. Z bogato tradicijo koncertnih klavirjev, digitalni klavirji izkazujejo izjemne glasbene sposobnosti. Z združevanjem naprednih funkcij in prefinjeni umetnosti koncertnih klavirjev, je Casio s sodobnim pristopom pripomorel k uživanju v glasbi, ki širi radost igranja in razkriva svet novih možnosti za vas in vaš klavir.
Zvočni sistem, ustvarjen tako, da zajame naravno resonanco, kot da bi koncertni klavir igral tik pred vami. Klavijatura sama, ki dosega izjemno igralsko udobje z mešanico mehanike kladiva in digitalne tehnologije za nadzor.
Odkrijte množico inovativnih funkcij, ki vam omogočajo ponovno odkrivanje čara igranja klavirja. Raziščite novo doživetje klavirja s tremi različnimi barvnimi variantami, vključno z elegantnim rožnato rjavim videzom podobnim palisandru, beli ali klasično črni.
CASIO AP-550 je opremljen z 2-kanalnim zvočnim sistemom, s 4 zvočniki, ki pomaga ustvariti naravno resonanco, zaradi katere se počutite, kot da bi bil klavir tik pred vami.
Raziščite različne funkcije, ki razširijo grafično urejanje funkcij inštrumenta in izboljšajo vašo klavirsko izkušnjo prek namenske aplikacije "CASIO MUSIC SPACE"
V setu so pianino, stol in slušalke.
Digitalni pianini in klopce so pakirani v originalni embalaži in niso sestavljeni . Navodila o sestavljanju so priložena . Sestavljanje ni vklučeno v ceno !
Barva: Bela
Lak: Mat
Število tipk: 88 Smart Hybrid Hammer Action Keyboard CELVIANO Edition (Key material:hybrid of wood & resin)
Polifonija (maksimalna): 256
Število prednastavljenih glasov: 26
Število prednastavljenih skladb: Built-in Songs: 60 ・Lesson Function: Part ON/OFF (Part Select: right hand, left hand, both hands) ・
Število snemalnih skladb: 2 tracks (1 system track + 1 solo track), 1 song Real-time recording, playback [Audio Recorder] To U
Ojačevalci: 20W+20W (maximum output)
Zvočniki: ・Size:12cm x 2 + 3.5cm x 2 ・Speaker system:2-channel/4-speaker
napajalnik: [AC Adaptor] AD-E24250LW
Specifikacije: Hammer Response (4 levels, tone, off)
Specifikacije II: Key Off Response (3 levels, tone)
Specifikacije III: String Resonance (4 levels, tone, off)
Lastnosti: Damper Resonance (4 levels, tone, off)
Več lastnosti: Key Action Noise (4 levels, tone, off)
Posebnosti: Damper Noise (4 levels, tone, off)
Pribor: Wireless MIDI & AUDIO Adaptor (WU-BT10), Music Stand, AC Adaptor (AD-E24250LW), Adjustable-height Pi
Širina: 1,401mm
Višina: 891 mm (w/o music stand)
Globina: 440mm
Teža: 49.5kg
Dodatni opis:
Casio AP-550 is crafted to resonate with the intricate and nuanced expressions unique to the rich tradition of grand pianos, digital pianos boast exceptional musical prowess. Merging advanced capabilities that cater to the elevated and delicate art of grand piano performance with a contemporary approach to enjoying music, we have created a fusion that expands the joy of playing and unveils a world of new possibilities for you and your piano. Through an unprecedented musical journey, rediscover the allure of the piano and the magic of music itself.
Casio AP-550 enables you to embracefully enjoy the expressive power and joy of playing techniques unique to grand pianos along with experiencing their rich heritage.
Explore a new piano experience with three distinct color variations, including the elegant Rosewood-style brown, white and classic black.
A keyboard that achieves superior playability through the fusion of hammer action mechanics and digital control technology
Explore a variety of features that expand the graphical editing of the instrument's functions and enhance your piano experience through the dedicated app "CASIO MUSIC SPACE"
Color: White
Finish: Satin
Number of Keys: 88 Smart Hybrid Hammer Action Keyboard CELVIANO Edition (Key material:hybrid of wood & resin)
Number of Polyphony (Max.): 256
Number of Preset Voices: 26
Number of Preset Songs: Built-in Songs: 60 ・Lesson Function: Part ON/OFF (Part Select: right hand, left hand, both hands) ・
Number of Songs for Recording: 2 tracks (1 system track + 1 solo track), 1 song Real-time recording, playback [Audio Recorder] To U
Amplifiers: 20W+20W (maximum output)
Speakers: ・Size:12cm x 2 + 3.5cm x 2 ・Speaker system:2-channel/4-speaker
Power Supply: [AC Adaptor] AD-E24250LW
Specifications: Hammer Response (4 levels, tone, off)
Specifications II: Key Off Response (3 levels, tone)
Specifications III: String Resonance (4 levels, tone, off)
Features: Damper Resonance (4 levels, tone, off)
Features II: Key Action Noise (4 levels, tone, off)
Features III: Damper Noise (4 levels, tone, off)
Accessories: Wireless MIDI & AUDIO Adaptor (WU-BT10), Music Stand, AC Adaptor (AD-E24250LW), Adjustable-height Pi
Width: 1,401mm
Height: 891 mm (w/o music stand)
Depth: 440mm
Weight: 49.5kg