Originalna navodila v slovenščini vsebujejo samo Casio pianina kupljena v Sloveniji.
Casio je znano svetovno podjetje, ki proizvaja na milijone odličnih elektronskih izdelkov in že več kot 40 let oblikuje in izdeluje digitalne klavirje. Novi Casio AP270 je del tradicionalne linije digitalnih klavirjev, imenovanih Celviano, in je bil nedavno predstavljen javnosti in lansiran na prodajne police. To je najnižja cena digitalnega klavirja v Celviano seriji. Na voljo je še v dveh različnih barvah, in sicer matirani črni in matirani barvi oreha. Novi Casio Celvano AP270 ima nekaj raznovrstnih nadgradenj nad prejšnjim modelom AP260 . V tem nižjem cenovnem razredu je Casio resnično previden pri izdelavi klavirja in ponuja bolj naravne in realistične izkušnje s klavirjem kot katera koli druga znamka ali model v tem cenovnem razponu. Casio daje najboljše razmerje med kvaliteto in ceno v nižje cenovnem razredu, ki si ga lahko večina ljudi privošči, ki iščejo kakovosten instrument, ki je lahko primeren za začetnike kot tudi za bolj napredne pianiste.
Digitalni pianini in klopce so pakirani v originalni embalaži in niso sestavljeni . Navodila o sestavljanju so priložena . Sestavljanje ni vklučeno v ceno!
Ob nakupu Casio pianina Vam nudimo nakup pribora s 30% popustom ( pri naročilu vtipkajte kodo CAS30)
Barva: Bela
Lak: Mat
Število tipk: 88 key, Simulated ebony and ivory keys
Tip klaviature: 3-senzorska Scaled-hammer tipka
Polifonija (maksimalna): 192
Število prednastavljenih glasov: 22 built-in tones
Število prednastavljenih skladb: 10 (Concert Play), 60 (Music Library)
Število snemalnih skladb: 1
Število snemalnih stez: 2
Ojačevalci: 8W + 8W
Zvočniki: 12 cm x 2
napajalnik: AD-A12150LW
Specifikacije: Touch Response: 3 sensitivity levels, Off
Specifikacije II: Damper Resonance, Hammer Response, Damper Noise
Specifikacije III: Layer/Split function
Lastnosti: Reverb (4 types), Chorus (4 types), Brilliance (-3 to 0 to 3), DSP (built into some tones)
Več lastnosti: MIDI Recorder (1 song x 2 tracks)
Pribor: AC Adaptor (AD-A12150LW), Music Stand
Širina: 141,7 cm
Višina: 82,1 cm
Globina: 43,2 cm
Teža: 36,6 kg
Dodatni opis:
The Celviano family of pianos is synonymous with piano authenticity. When a traditional grand piano is impractical, players around the world delight in the natural sound and touch of Celviano instruments. The AP-270 delivers the quality and refinement you've come to expect from Celviano, in a compact-yet-elegant cabinet that compliments any space.
The Casio AP-270's award-winning AiR Sound Source includes two beautiful new stereo grand piano tones which comes alive with realistic damper resonance, simulating the entire body of the instrument, not just the strings. The Casio AP-270 also features a stunning New York grand piano Tone, with a wide dynamic range suitable for many genres. In addition to pianos, the AP-270 features a variety of 19 instrument Tones, with the ability to layer and split them as needed. With a generous 192 notes of polyphony, even the most complex performances will sound perfectly natural.
The acclaimed Tri-Sensor II Scaled Hammer Action piano keys give you an incredibly realistic and natural feel. The simulated ebony and ivory textures complete the experience, combined with an innovative hammer action that is accurately scaled across the entire key range. Adjustable touch sensitivity allows customization to suit any playing style, and adjustable hammer response accurately reproduces the delay between when the key is struck and a note is produced.
The AP-270 includes a powerful stereo amplification system. The speakers are conveniently located for an optimal listening experience, and are crystal-clear across the entire audio spectrum. The AP-270's sleek design conceals the speakers from obvious view, preserving the natural aesthetic of a wooden instrument.
The AP-270 is not only ideal for practice and performance, but also for lesson environments. You can connect two sets of headphones using the ¼” jacks on the front panel, allowing quiet practice. Duet Mode splits the piano into two equal pitch ranges, allowing a student and teacher to sit at the same instrument.
The built-in Music Library contains 60 songs, with room for ten additional songs of your choice. You can also record your performances using the AP-270’s two-track MIDI recorder.
The AP-270 connects via class-compliant USB to any PC, Mac, iOS, or Android device, with no drivers or installations needed.
Color: White
Finish: Satin
Number of Keys: 88 key, Simulated ebony and ivory keys
Keyboard Type: 3-Sensor Scaled-Hammer Acation
Number of Polyphony (Max.): 192
Number of Preset Voices: 22 built-in tones
Number of Preset Songs: 10 (Concert Play), 60 (Music Library)
Number of Songs for Recording: 1
Number of Tracks for Recording: 2
Amplifiers: 8W + 8W
Speakers: 12 cm x 2
Power Supply: AD-A12150LW
Specifications: Touch Response: 3 sensitivity levels, Off
Specifications II: Damper Resonance, Hammer Response, Damper Noise
Specifications III: Layer/Split function
Features: Reverb (4 types), Chorus (4 types), Brilliance (-3 to 0 to 3), DSP (built into some tones)
Features II: MIDI Recorder (1 song x 2 tracks)
Accessories: AC Adaptor (AD-A12150LW), Music Stand
Width: 141,7 cm
Height: 82,1 cm
Depth: 43,2 cm
Weight: 36,6 kg