Ste pripravljeni vzeti svojo glasbo na pot? Vse kar potrebujete je kitara, mikrofon in ojačevalnik BOSS Acoustic Singer Pro. Od podzemne železnice do koncertne dvorane ima ta ojačevalnik moč, globino in lastnosti, s katerimi vaš set spremeni v privlačno izkušnjo občinstva. Njegovih 120W in ohišje z dvema zvočnikoma reproducirata polnost vašega glasu in instrumenta v ozadju polnega benda.
Zaradi obilo razkošnih funkcij, od preklopnih samodejnih vokalnih harmonij do looper sekcije in FX, je BOSS Acoustic Singer Pro bistveno orodje za solo umetnike. Pošljite oba kanala na vaš FOH, hkrati pa posnemite svojo predstavo prek vgrajenega zvočnega vmesnika USB za svoje poslušalce.
Dodatni opis:
Ready to take your music on the road? All you need is a guitar, a mic, and the BOSS Acoustic Singer Pro amp. From the subway to the concert hall, this amp has the power, depth, and features to transform your set into an engaging audience experience. Its 120 watts and custom two-speaker cabinet reproduce the fullness of your voice and instrument among the backdrop of a full band. And a host of luxurious features, from switchable automatic vocal harmonies to a looper section and FX, make the BOSS Acoustic Singer Pro an essential tool for solo artists. Send both channels — dry and wet — to your FOH while simultaneously capturing your performance via the built-in USB audio interface for your followers who couldn't make it.