AQUILA 10U strune za tenor ukulele


Šifra artikla: 10U – EAN: 8052405531155 – Skupina: Ukulele > Strune in pribor za ukulele > Strune za ukulele – Znamka: AQUILA

66 in stock


Novi Nylgut® je prvi izdelek, ki ga je Aquila razvila in patentirala.
Novi Nylgut® v primerjavi z najlonom ustvarja boljši zvok, ker je absorpcija vlage manjša glede na najlon, ki se običajno uporablja za glasbene strune .

Zaradi večje gostote, podobne gostoti čistega črevesja, New Nylgut® daje boljši zvok kot najlon in ni tako kovinski kot tisti iz tako imenovanih struktur PVDF 'Carbon' (Fluorocarbon) PVDF .


  • Tenor ukulele strune
  • All Nylgut
  • Naravna biserna barva zvoka
  • Zelo gladka in polirana površina kot vosek
  • Majn prožne za hitrejšo uglasitev
  • Debelina:
    1 – .0260"
    2 – .0315"
    3 – .0378"
    4 – .0273

Velikost ukulele: Tenor ukulele
Specifikacije: Made from New Nylgut, similar sound to natural gut strings
Specifikacije II: Tuning: GCEA (bass to treble)
Specifikacije III: High tuning stability
Lastnosti: Made in Italy
Dolžina: Scale Length: 430-435mm

Dodatni opis:

The New Nylgut® is the first product developed and patented by Aquila.

The New Nylgut® is nor common Nylon or Carbon (Fluocarbon fishing line or PVDF), or a mix of them. It is a plastic compound of three different components

Compared to Nylon, the New Nylgut® produces a better sound and stays in tune better, this because the moisture absorption is less of .1% against the 2.0% of Nylon normally employed for the musical strings (i.e. Du Pont Tynex® polyammide 6-12).

Due to the higher density, similar to that of pure gut (1.30 gr/cm3), the New Nylgut® produces a better sound than Nylon and it is not so metallic like those of the so- called ‘Carbon’ (Fluorocarbon) PVDF strings.

Body Style: Tenor Ukulele
Specifications: Made from New Nylgut, similar sound to natural gut strings
Specifications II: Tuning: GCEA (bass to treble)
Specifications III: High tuning stability
Features: Made in Italy
Length: Scale Length: 430-435mm