AQUILA 96C strune za guitalele


Šifra artikla: 96C – EAN: 8052405532343 – Skupina: Ukulele > Strune in pribor za ukulele > Strune za ukulele – Znamka: AQUILA

1 in stock


Ta komplet strun Aquila Guilele je zasnovan posebej za Guilele, ki ima velikost tenor ukulela. Približno 420-432 mm s šestimi strunami.

1-a .024 supernylgut

2-e .029 supernylgut

3-c .035 supernylgut

4-G .021 silverplated copper wound

5-D .026 silverplated copper wound

6-A .035 silverplated copper wound

Specifikacije: 3 unwound polished Nylgut trebles and 3 silver-plated copper basses with a Nylgut® core
Specifikacije II: Guitalele tuning: ADGCEA (bass to treble)
Specifikacije III: High tuning stability, clear and powerful sound
Lastnosti: Made in Italy
Dolžina: Scale Length: 430-435mm

Dodatni opis:

This Aquila Guilele Strings set is specifically designed for the Guilele that has a scale length of about 17 inches or 420-432 mm with six strings.

-Silver plated copper basses with a Nylgut core
-Polished Nylgut trebles including a Nylgut 3rd string

Specifications: 3 unwound polished Nylgut trebles and 3 silver-plated copper basses with a Nylgut® core
Specifications II: Guitalele tuning: ADGCEA (bass to treble)
Specifications III: High tuning stability, clear and powerful sound
Features: Made in Italy
Length: Scale Length: 430-435mm