THOMASTIK VI23, posamezna struna Vision za violo C. Strune Vision, naranjene z naprednim sintetičnim jedrom, so zasnovane tako, da se hitro uigrajo in v zelo kratkem času dosežejo stabilno uglasitev. Navdušijo vas osredotočenim, jasnim, odprtim in briljantnim tonom; kot nalašč za današnji sodoben zvok. Vision lahko kombiniramo s skoraj vsemi sintetičnimi strunami.
Tip strun: Kroglica
Napetost strun: medium
Specifikacije: Synthetic core Tungsten/Silver wound
Dolžina: vibrating string length 37.0 cm | 14.6"
Dodatni opis:
THOMASTIK VI23 Vision Viola strings produce a powerful, sonorous tone with the perfect balance of brilliance and warmth. They are state-of-the-art allround strings with excellent tuning stability, quick response and great modulation. Vision Viola strings have a long life span and considerably reduce the playing-intime. The instrument achieves its full sound spectrum within a couple of hours.
String End Type: Ball End
String Tension: medium
Specifications: Synthetic core Tungsten/Silver wound
Length: vibrating string length 37.0 cm | 14.6"