K Custom Medium Ride je vsestranska vsestranska ride činela z dobro definicijo palice, jasnim "bell" in toplimi podtoni. Neobdelana spodnja stran daje činelam na splošno bolj osredotočen zvok. Na vsaki strani je uporabljena drugačna obdelava – tradicionalna na vrhu in briljantna na spodnji strani.
Teža: Srednja
Obdelava: Tradicionalna, briljantna
Premer: 22"
Specifikacije: Versatile all-around ride
Specifikacije II: Good stick definition with warm undertones
Specifikacije III: Unlathed underside for drier, more mellow sound
Lastnosti: Very clear bell
Več lastnosti: Dual finish – Traditional on top, Brilliant on bottom
Posebnosti: Played by Sonny Emory, Will Kennedy, Ahmir Thompson (?uestlove), Greg Morrow and Denny Seiwell
Dodatni opis:
The K Custom Medium Ride is a versatile all-around ride with good stick definition, a clear bell and warm undertones. The unlathed underside gives the cymbal a generally more focused sound. A different finish is featured on each side – Traditional on top, and Brilliant on the underside.
Weight: Medium
Finish: Traditional, Brilliant
Diameter: 22"
Specifications: Versatile all-around ride
Specifications II: Good stick definition with warm undertones
Specifications III: Unlathed underside for drier, more mellow sound
Features: Very clear bell
Features II: Dual finish – Traditional on top, Brilliant on bottom
Features III: Played by Sonny Emory, Will Kennedy, Ahmir Thompson (?uestlove), Greg Morrow and Denny Seiwell