K Constantinople Medium Thin Ride Low ima veliko mehkobo in kompleksno teksturo, z odlično odpornostjo proti poškodbam pri srednje lahki teži. Kombinacija zgornjega zgiba in spodnjega razmika zagotavlja odlično zgib palice. Ima nekoliko nižji profil kot Medium Thin Low, kar ima za posledico temnejši zvok in nižjo osnovno višino.
Teža: Srednje tanka
Obdelava: Običajna
Material: B20
Premer: 22˝
Specifikacije: Features plenty of give and texture
Specifikacije II: Great 'crashability' at medium thin weight
Specifikacije III: Lower profile gives more darker sound and more wash
Lastnosti: Lower fundamental pitch
Več lastnosti: Additional hammering for excellent, dry sound and accentuated play
Artikel: K Constantinople
Dodatni opis:
The K Constantinople Medium Thin Ride Low features plenty of give and complex texture, with great 'crashability' at a medium thin weight. The combination of top articulation and bottom spread provides excellent stick articulation. It features a slightly lower profile than the Medium Thin Low, resulting in a darker sound with more wash, at a lower fundamental pitch.
Weight: Medium-Thin
Finish: Traditional
Material: B20
Diameter: 22˝
Specifications: Features plenty of give and texture
Specifications II: Great 'crashability' at medium thin weight
Specifications III: Lower profile gives more darker sound and more wash
Features: Lower fundamental pitch
Features II: Additional hammering for excellent, dry sound and accentuated play
Product: K Constantinople