K Constantinople Crashes ima novejšo tehniko udarjanja s kladivom, dodatno stružnico za zatiče na vrhu in na dnu ter skodelico v starinskem slogu za "bell". Lastnosti omogočajo činelam, da ohranijo temno, ekspresivno kakovost izvirne linije K Constantinople, ki jo iščejo bobnarji po vsem svetu, in vključujejo še več temnih prizvokov in nians kot kdaj koli prej. Pin lathe služi kot dodaten tonski utor, ki prispeva k splošni kompleksnosti proizvedenega zvoka in izboljša vizualni videz teh činel z starinskim videzom, podobnim prejšnjim K-jem iz 60-ih.
Zven: Temen
Obdelava: Običajna
Material: B20
Premer: 18"
Specifikacije: Dark, expressive, complex sound featuring more dark overtones and nuance than ever
Specifikacije II: Newer-style hammering technique
Specifikacije III: Additional pin lathe on top and bottom
Lastnosti: Vintage style cup for the bell
Več lastnosti: Vintage look of earlier K's from the '60s
Posebnosti: Quick response with an exceptional vintage feel
Artikel: K Constantinople Series
Dodatni opis:
The K Constantinople Crashes feature a newer style hammering technique, an additional pin lathe on the top and bottom, and a vintage-style cup for the bell. These features allow the cymbal to maintain the dark, expressive quality of the original K Constantinople line sought by drummers all over the world and incorporate even more dark overtones and nuances than ever before. The pin lathe serves as an additional tonal groove, adding to the overall complexity of the sound produced, and enhancing the visual appearance of these cymbals with a vintage look similar to earlier K's from the 60's.
Timbre/Sound: Dark
Finish: Traditional
Material: B20
Diameter: 18"
Specifications: Dark, expressive, complex sound featuring more dark overtones and nuance than ever
Specifications II: Newer-style hammering technique
Specifications III: Additional pin lathe on top and bottom
Features: Vintage style cup for the bell
Features II: Vintage look of earlier K's from the '60s
Features III: Quick response with an exceptional vintage feel
Product: K Constantinople Series