
ZILDJIAN I FAMILY 16" Pair marš činela

Original price was: 293,68 €.Current price is: 279,00 €.

Šifra artikla: ILH16BP – EAN: 642388323199 – Skupina: Bobni in tolkala > Činele > Marching činele – Znamka: ZILDJIAN

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"The 16"" I Family band činele so fantastična izbira za skupinske programe in godbe, ki iščejo oster, jasen, visok zvok udarca. Zaradi svoje velikosti 16"" so te činele crash lažje – popolne za mlade glasbenike. Bend činele ponujajo izjemno kakovost po dostopni ceni.

Family I, ki je dobila ime po Ilhamu, turški besedi za navdih, je zbirka izraznih zvokov, ki so zasnovani tako, da vaše igranje dvignejo na naslednjo raven. Razširite svoja zvočna obzorja od osnov in pustite, da vaš individualni glas zasije s to skupino činel, ki se ponašajo s sodobnimi težami in velikostmi, udarnim odzivom in obsežnimi letvicami. Raziskujte in pojdite dlje s celotnim vesoljem Zildjiana."

Teža: Srednje tanka
Obdelava: Običajna
Material: B8
Premer: 16˝
Specifikacije: Expressive I Family sounds let your individual voice shine
Specifikacije II: The series to explore beyond the fundamentals
Specifikacije III: Sharp, clear, high-pitched crash sound
Lastnosti: Fantastic choice for band programs looking for exceptional quality on a budget
Več lastnosti: Lighter weight perfect for young players

Dodatni opis:

"The 16"" I Family band cymbals are a fantastic choice for band programs looking for a sharp, clear, high-pitched crash sound. The 16"" size makes these crash cymbals lighter weight — perfect for young players. These band cymbals offer exceptional quality at an affordable price.

Taking its name from Ilham, the Turkish word for inspiration, the I Family is a collection of expressive sounds designed to bring your playing to the next level. Broaden your sonic horizons from the fundamentals, and let your individual voice shine with this family of cymbals that feature modern weights and sizes, hammering, and extensive lathing. Explore and go further with I, and with the entire universe of Zildjian."

Weight: Medium-Thin
Finish: Traditional
Material: B8
Diameter: 16˝
Specifications: Expressive I Family sounds let your individual voice shine
Specifications II: The series to explore beyond the fundamentals
Specifications III: Sharp, clear, high-pitched crash sound
Features: Fantastic choice for band programs looking for exceptional quality on a budget
Features II: Lighter weight perfect for young players