KM01 Karaoke mikrofon vsebuje BT in je "vse v enem" z vgrajenim zvočnikom. Preprosto priključite USB ključ ali kartico MicroSD, napolnjeno s svojo najljubšo glasbo, in pojte zraven! Mikrofon je mogoče povezati tudi s pametnim telefonom, tabličnim računalnikom ali osebnim računalnikom, z uporabo BT, ne boste potrebovali nobenih kablov in kakšne druge zapletene namestitve. Večfunkcijski gumbi za nastavitev zvoka in glasnosti vam bodo olajšali vse. Ta mikrofon ima tudi tehnologijo izničevanja nepotrebnih motečih stranskih učinkov, ki filtrira signal, kar vam omogoča, da pojete s popolno čistim zvokom!
Barva: Zlata
Moč ojačevalca: 6W
Kontrole: Featuring buttons to adjust Treble, Bass, Volume, Recording, etc.
Frekvenčni razpon: 100Hz – 10.000Hz
Premer: 76mmØ
Specifikacije: Power supply 5V via USB
Specifikacije II: 2-in-1 BT wireless microphone and speaker
Specifikacije III: Plays MP3 files directly from USB or MicroSD card
Lastnosti: 1800mAh battery provides up to 6 hours of singing
Več lastnosti: Two channel stereo loudspeaker
Posebnosti: Super noise reduction
Dolžina: 226 mm
Teža: 0.35 kg
Dodatni opis:
The KM01 Karaoke Microphone is an all-in-one BT Microphone with built-in Speaker. Simply plug in a USB stick or MicroSD card loaded with your favourite music and sing along! It’s also possible to connect the microphone with a Smartphone, Tablet or PC, using BT, you won’t need any wires and other complicated installation. The multi-functional buttons for sound adjustments and volume settings will make it all easy for you. This microphone also features noise compression technology that filters air flow and wind noise effectively, allowing you to sing with perfect clarity!
Color: Gold
Wattage: 6W
Controls: Featuring buttons to adjust Treble, Bass, Volume, Recording, etc.
Frequency Response: 100Hz – 10.000Hz
Diameter: 76mmØ
Specifications: Power supply 5V via USB
Specifications II: 2-in-1 BT wireless microphone and speaker
Specifications III: Plays MP3 files directly from USB or MicroSD card
Features: 1800mAh battery provides up to 6 hours of singing
Features II: Two channel stereo loudspeaker
Features III: Super noise reduction
Length: 226 mm
Weight: 0.35 kg