Udarjalke Vic Firth Pesante serije M202 so izdelane tako, da projicirajo izrazit poudarjen zvok, ki ustreza latinskemu izrazu pesante, kar pomeni težko ali krepko. Udarec omili debela preja na palici, ki ovije jedro za popoln zvok iz srednjega in nizkega registra instrumenta. Ročaji iz ratana se uporabljajo za povečanje teže in prilagodljivosti.
Specifikacije: Material Yarn
Specifikacije II: Hardness Medium Soft
Specifikacije III: Shaft Material Rattan
Dolžina: 41,3 cm
Dodatni opis:
The Vic Firth Pesante series M202 medium soft yarn keyboard mallets are constructed to project a pronounced emphatic sound, fitting with the latin term pesante, meaning heavy or bold. Attack is minimized by the thick yarn on the M202 that wraps the core for a perfect sound from middle and low registers of the instrument. Rattan handles are used to add weight and flexibility.
Specifications: Material Yarn
Specifications II: Hardness Medium Soft
Specifications III: Shaft Material Rattan
Length: 41,3 cm