THOMASTIK VI100, komplet strun Vision za violino 3/4. Strune Vision so zasnovane za takojšnjo uporabo, saj svojo napetost in uglašenost dosežejo kmalu po vpetju. THOMASTIK VI100 ponudijo direkten in čist zvok ter odprt zvok ponuja optimalno orodje današnjim violinistom po vsem svetu in na vseh odrih!
Debelina strun: Srednje
Material strun: VI01 3/4 e² mi² I Carbon steel Tin plated
2. struna material: VI02 3/4 a¹ la¹ II Synthetic core Aluminum wound
3. struna material: VI03 3/4 d¹ re¹ III Synthetic core Silver wound
4. struna material: VI04 3/4 g sol IV Synthetic core Silver wound
Tip strun: Kroglica
Napetost strun: medium
Velikost: 3/4
Dolžina: vibrating string length 30.5 cm | 12.0"
Dodatni opis:
THOMASTIK VI100 Vision; Wound on an advanced synthetic core, Vision strings are designed to settle in quickly and to achieve a stable tuning within a very short time. They impress with a focused, clear, open and brilliant tone; a perfect fit for today’s modern sound. Vision strings can be mixed with almost any synthetic core string.
String Gauge: Medium
1st String Material: VI01 3/4 e² mi² I Carbon steel Tin plated
2nd String material: VI02 3/4 a¹ la¹ II Synthetic core Aluminum wound
3rd String Material: VI03 3/4 d¹ re¹ III Synthetic core Silver wound
4th String Material: VI04 3/4 g sol IV Synthetic core Silver wound
String End Type: Ball End
String Tension: medium
Size: 3/4
Length: vibrating string length 30.5 cm | 12.0"