Nove Versum strune za čelo navdušujejo s izjemnim ravnovesjem. Imajo usmerjen, močen zvok a hkrati okrogel in žameten ton. Velik spekter barv in idealno ravnovesje v vseh nizih zagotavlja podporo tudi v nižjih legah.
Versum strings impress with a beautiful tonal balance: a sweet top and a warm, velvety and round bottom. With their focused sound and precise and powerful intonation they give your instrument a unique personality and offer you great versatility in expression. A vast spectrum of colors and an ideal balance across all strings provide support for the cello‘s lower voice while accentuating its soloistic opportunities.
Material strun: Carbon steel Multialloy wound
2. struna material: Carbon steel Multialloy wound
3. struna material: Spiral core Tungsten/Chrome wound
4. struna material: Spiral core Tungsten/Chrome wound
Tip strun: Kroglica
Napetost strun: medium
Velikost: 4/4
Dolžina: vibrating string length 70.0 cm | 27.6"
Dodatni opis:
Versum strings impress with a beautiful tonal balance: a sweet top and a warm, velvety and round bottom. With their focused sound and precise and powerful intonation they give your instrument a unique personality and offer you great versatility in expression. A vast spectrum of colors and an ideal balance across all strings provide support for the cello‘s lower voice while accentuating its soloistic opportunities.
1st String Material: Carbon steel Multialloy wound
2nd String material: Carbon steel Multialloy wound
3rd String Material: Spiral core Tungsten/Chrome wound
4th String Material: Spiral core Tungsten/Chrome wound
String End Type: Ball End
String Tension: medium
Size: 4/4
Length: vibrating string length 70.0 cm | 27.6"