
THOMASTIK SP400 Spirit 4/4 strune za violončelo

Original price was: 98,94 €.Current price is: 93,99 €.

Šifra artikla: 6600226 – EAN: 9003918702746 – Skupina: Godala > Strune za godala > Strune za violončelo > Strune za 4/4 violončelo – Znamka: THOMASTIK

1 in stock


THOMASTIK SP400, komplet strun za čelo 4/4. strune primerne za svetlejše zveneče inštrumente, ker s svojim toplim zvokom naredijo lepo balansiran zvok. Za vsako struno je temeljna ideja, da vam mora ustvarjanje glasbe prinesti veselje. Napreden in ambiciozen umetnik bo dal v svojo glasbo dušo! Inštrumenti jim zagotavljajo vse, kar je potrebno za ustvarjanje uglednega zvoka za vsako vrsto glasbe in te strune Thomastik Spirit navdušijo z enakomernim, uravnoteženim tonom vseh strun in imajo čudovit, topel ton, zato so tudi odlična izbira za tiste, ki želijo uravnotežiti svetlejše zveneč instrument.

Material strun: Carbon steel, Chrome wound
2. struna material: Carbon steel, Chrome wound
3. struna material: Rope core Chrome wound
4. struna material: Rope core Chrome wound
Tip strun: Kroglica
Napetost strun: medium
Velikost: 4/​4
Dolžina: vibrating string length 70.0 cm | 27.6"

Dodatni opis:

Behind each string of the Spirit! string line is the fundamental idea that making music should bring you joy.The advancing player and aspiring artist will discover that Spirit! strings provide them with everything needed to produce a distinguished sound for every kind of music. These strings impress with an even, balanced tone across all strings and have a beautiful, warm tone, making it also an excellent choice for those looking to balance out a brighter-sounding instrument.

1st String Material: Carbon steel, Chrome wound
2nd String material: Carbon steel, Chrome wound
3rd String Material: Rope core Chrome wound
4th String Material: Rope core Chrome wound
String End Type: Ball End
String Tension: medium
Size: 4/​4
Length: vibrating string length 70.0 cm | 27.6"