THOMASTIK 203 Dominant kolofonija za violino


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THOMASTIK 203, kolofonija za violinski lok. Kolofonija je eden najpomembnejših dejavnikov pri zagotavljanju dobre kakovosti tona. Pomaga ustvariti boljše trenje med žimo in strunami. Brez tega trenja ne bi bilo zvoka, lok bi zdrsnil po struni in ustvaril rahlo šepetajoč zvok. Kolofonija lahko takoj spremeni ton vašega instrumenta in tudi pomembno vpliva na odziv strun. Kolofonija Thomastik-Infeld je posebej zasnovana za posebne strune in vam ponujajo najboljšo glasbeno izkušnjo. Omogoča, da se lok oprime strune, ne da bi se slišal grobo , pretiho ali kričeče.

Specifikacije: Strong grip
Specifikacije II: Minor formation of dust
Specifikacije III: Softens the whistle of e-strings considerably
Lastnosti: Good in warm climates and during the summertime
Več lastnosti: Eminently suitable for and enhancing the tonal qualities of: PI, Dominant, Spirit, Roby Lakatos

Dodatni opis:

Rosin is one of the most important factors in ensuring a good tone quality. It helps to create a better friction between the bow and the strings. Without this friction there wouldn’t be very much musical sound, the bow would slide across the string and produce a faint whispery sound. Rosin can immediately change the tone of your instrument and also significantly affects the response. Thomastik-Infeld Rosins are especially designed for specific string lines to offer you the best playing experience possible. They come in individual compositions and degrees of hardness to suit your instrument, accommodate your playing style and allow for different climates. They enable the bow to grip the string without sounding rough or coarse.

Specifications: Strong grip
Specifications II: Minor formation of dust
Specifications III: Softens the whistle of e-strings considerably
Features: Good in warm climates and during the summertime
Features II: Eminently suitable for and enhancing the tonal qualities of: PI, Dominant, Spirit, Roby Lakatos