THOMASTIK 137 Dominant D 4/4 struna za violo


Šifra artikla: 637004 – EAN: 9003918100924 – Skupina: Godala > Strune za godala > Posamezne strune za violo > D struna za violo – Znamka: THOMASTIK

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THOMASTIK 137, posamezna struna Dominant za violo D 4/4, standard pri strunah za violo in v vseh pogledih najbolj zaželene strune pri glasbenikih vseh zvrsti. Dolga življenjska doba, hiter odziv loka pri dotiku strune, dinamika in glasnost, odlikujejo Dominant strune. Struna DOMINANT je izredno prožna sintetična struna, ki daje topel ton ter občutek strune iz naravnega materjala, ki pa je odporna na zunanje dejavnike kot so vlaga in toplota, kar omogoča stabilno intonacijo in dolgo življenjsko dobo. Zvok je mehak, jasen in bogat s prizvoki. Strune DOMINANT, splošno priznane kot "referenčni standard", so legendarne zaradi značilnega tona in svoje dinamike.

Debelina strun: Srednje
2. struna material: 137 d¹ re¹ II Synthetic core Aluminum wound
Tip strun: Kroglica
Napetost strun: medium
Velikost: 4/​4

Dodatni opis:

These strings have a highly flexible, multi-strand nylon core and cater for artists who feel uncomfortable with steel strings. The resounding success of our Dominant string owes a lot to its similarity in tone and response to gut strings, without gut's attendant drawbacks.

Single Viola D string

Widely regarded as “the reference standard” Dominant strings, made with a highly flexible, multi-strand synthetic core, provide the tonal warmth and feel of a gut string while being impervious to changes in humidity. The sound is soft, clear with a stable intonation and they are rich in overtones. One of the world’s most popular strings!

String Gauge: Medium
2nd String material: 137 d¹ re¹ II Synthetic core Aluminum wound
String End Type: Ball End
String Tension: medium
Size: 4/​4