Caxixis so shakerji iz pletene košare, ki omogočajo različne ritmične poudarke v različnih velikostih in kombinacijah. Kovinske krogljice imajo bolj rezljiv, prodoren zvok.
Barva: Naravna
Specifikacije: Material: Rattan
Specifikacije II: Dimensions: 20 x 80 mm
Specifikacije III: Construction: Woven
Dodatni opis:
Caxixis are shakers made of braided basket, which allow a variety of rhythmical accents in different sizes and combinations. Metal shakers and tubo have a more cutting, penetrating sound due to their metal design.
Color: Natural
Specifications: Material: Rattan
Specifications II: Dimensions: 20 x 80 mm
Specifications III: Construction: Woven