
SONOR CG TT 10P 10˝ tamburin

Original price was: 38,94 €.Current price is: 36,99 €.

Šifra artikla: 90531400 – EAN: 4044661354290 – Skupina: Bobni in tolkala > Percussion > Ostala tolkala – Znamka: SONOR

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Tamburin SONOR CG TT 10 P je opremljen z nastavljivo plastično kožo in ima 8 parov zvončkov iz jekla in prepriča tako po kvaliteti obdelave kot po kvalitetnih materialih. Priložen je par kladivc z leseno glavo. Odlično za vrtce in šole!

Barva: Naravna
Premer: 10"
Specifikacije: 8 pairs of jingles
Specifikacije II: Plastic drum head, tunable
Pribor: 1 pair Wooden Headed Mallet, SCH 41

Dodatni opis:

SONOR CG TT 10 P tambourine is covered with a tunable plastic skin and has 8 pairs of jingles made of steel and is convincing both in terms of processing quality and high-quality materials. A pair of mallets with a wooden head is included. Excellent for kindergartens and schools!

Color: Natural
Diameter: 10"
Specifications: 8 pairs of jingles
Specifications II: Plastic drum head, tunable
Accessories: 1 pair Wooden Headed Mallet, SCH 41