
SHURE SM58S With Switch dinamični mikrofon

Original price was: 134,74 €.Current price is: 128,00 €.

Šifra artikla: 00158 – EAN: 042406071833 – Skupina: Mikrofoni > Vokalni mikrofoni > Dinamični vokalni mikrofoni – Znamka: SHURE

3 in stock


SM58 je znan kot najbolj priljubljen mikrofon za nastope na svetu, kar ga dela takoj prepoznaven simbol za različne vrste nastopov. Uporabljajo ga tako pop idoli in predsedniki kot tudi podkastarji, pesniki in še mnogi drugi. Poleg tega je izjemno učinkovit mikrofon za prenašanje v živo in snemanje podcastov. Preprosto ga priključite na MVi, X2U ali vaš izbrani avdio vmesnik in dobili boste zelo dostopen in vzdržljiv komplet za vaše prenose v živo.

Je idealna izbira za profesionalne vokalne izvajalce na kateremkoli nastopu v živo, saj poudari toplino in jasnost tako vodilnih kot spremljevalnih vokalov. Tudi v ekstremnih pogojih je SM58 prilagojen, da cilja na glavni zvočni vir in hkrati zmanjšuje neželen hrup. Prav tako je zelo priljubljen med DJ-ji in voditelji v klubih ter na majhnih in velikih živih prizoriščih.

Tip mikrofona: Dinamični
Uporaba za: It’s an ideal choice for a professional vocal artist in any live performance setting. It is tuned to
Oblika: Ročni
Vzorec usmerjenosti: Cardioid
Konektor: XLR
Frekvenčni razpon: 50 to 15,000 Hz
Upornost: 150 Ohm
Specifikacije: Frequency response tailored for vocals, with brightened midrange and bass rolloff
Specifikacije II: Uniform cardioid pickup pattern isolates the main sound source and minimizes background noise
Specifikacije III: Pneumatic shock-mount system cuts down handling noise
Lastnosti: On/Off switch
Več lastnosti: Effective, built-in spherical wind and pop filter
Posebnosti: Supplied with break-resistant stand adapter which rotates 180 degrees
Pribor: 1 A25D Swivel Stand Adapter, 1 95A2313 Storage Bag
Teža: 0,298 kg

Dodatni opis:

The SM58 is known as the world’s most popular performance microphone. It is an instantly recognizable icon for performance and can be seen in the hands of anyone from Pop Idols and Presidents, to Podcasters, Poets and MC’s It is also a very effective microphone for live streaming and podcasting. Simply connect the SM58 to either an MVi, an X2U, or your audio interface of choice, and you’ve got a very affordable and durable kit for your live stream.

It’s an ideal choice for a professional vocal artist in any live performance setting. It is tuned to accentuate the warmth and clarity of lead and backing vocals. Even in extreme conditions, the SM58 is tailored to target the main sound source while minimizing background noise. It is also very popular with djs and presenters in clubs and in small and large live venues.

Microphone Type: Dynamic
Application for: It’s an ideal choice for a professional vocal artist in any live performance setting. It is tuned to
Form: Hendheld
Polar patern: Cardioid
Interface: XLR
Frequency Response: 50 to 15,000 Hz
lmpedance: 150 Ohm
Specifications: Frequency response tailored for vocals, with brightened midrange and bass rolloff
Specifications II: Uniform cardioid pickup pattern isolates the main sound source and minimizes background noise
Specifications III: Pneumatic shock-mount system cuts down handling noise
Features: On/Off switch
Features II: Effective, built-in spherical wind and pop filter
Features III: Supplied with break-resistant stand adapter which rotates 180 degrees
Accessories: 1 A25D Swivel Stand Adapter, 1 95A2313 Storage Bag
Weight: 0,298 kg