

Original price was: 177,90 €.Current price is: 169,01 €.

Šifra artikla: SE370 – EAN: 4026929928252 – Skupina: Bobni in tolkala > Meditacija in glasbena terapija – Znamka: SELA

2 in stock


Meditativni zvoki za doma, v studiu joge ali na poti Melody Tongue Drum 10″ A Hirajōshi Black je priročen jeklen boben s premerom pribl. 25 centimetrov. S svojim toplim in pomirjujočim zvokom je primeren tako za sprostitev v vsakdanjem življenju kot tudi za zgodnje glasbeno izobraževanje otrok.

Osem tonskih polj Sela Melody Tongue Drum 10″ A Hirajōshi Black leži na lestvici Hirajōshi, ki izhaja iz japonskega strunskega glasbila Koto. Tako se pri igranju na boben ustvarijo tipični azijski zvoki, ki poslušalca očarajo in ga ponesejo v deželo vzhajajočega sonca.

Barva: Črna
Material: Jeklo
Premer: 25 cm
Specifikacije: Tuning: A Hirajōshi
Specifikacije II: Tones: A3, B3, C4, E4, F4, A4, B4, C5
Specifikacije III: High quality workmanship
Pribor: 2 mallets, cotton bag

Dodatni opis:

Meditative sounds for at home, in the yoga studio or on the go
The Melody Tongue Drum 10″ A Hirajōshi Black is a handy steel tongue drum with a diameter of approx. 25 centimetres. With its warm and soothing sound, it is suitable for relaxation in everyday life as well as for the early musical education of children. The eight tone fields of the Sela Melody Tongue Drum 10″ A Hirajōshi Black lie on the Hirajōshi scale, which is derived from the Japanese string instrument Koto. This creates typical Asian sounds when playing this tongue drum, which enchant the listener and transport them to the land of the rising sun.

Color: Black
Material: Steel
Diameter: 25 cm
Specifications: Tuning: A Hirajōshi
Specifications II: Tones: A3, B3, C4, E4, F4, A4, B4, C5
Specifications III: High quality workmanship
Accessories: 2 mallets, cotton bag