SELA SE281 2-TONE 20 Rosewood claves


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Palčke SELA 2-Tone Claves imajo različne dolžine (200 in 190 milimetrov) in se tako razlikujejo od običajnih parov lesnih palčk, ki so običajno enake dolžine. Odvisno od tega, katero palico 2-Tone Claves držite v roki in s katero udarjate, se lahko tukaj proizvedeta dva različna temeljna tona in zaigrani ritmi se lahko razlikujejo po višini. SELA 2-Tone Claves so izdelani v Nemčiji iz visokokakovostnega palisandra, ki ima globok temeljni ton in zagotavlja močan, briljanten zvok, bogat s prizvoki.

Palčke se večinoma uporabljajo v latinskoameriški kulturi kot ritmični inštrument in dajejo glasbenim slogom, kot so rumba, salsa ali bossa nova, značilen groove ("Clave"). Tvorijo osnovni ritmični okvir, na katerega so usmerjeni vsi drugi instrumenti. Toda tudi v zahodni pop in rock glasbi lahko vedno znova najdemo ta inštrument. SELA 2-Tone Claves se najbolj prilegajo v latino zasedbe, seveda pa s svojim prepoznavnim zvokom obogatijo tudi kateri koli drug glasbeni stil. Poleg tega navdušujejo s svojo elegantno, rdečkasto rjavo barvo, mat lakiranim zaključkom in visokokakovostno izdelavo.

Material: Palisander
Premer: 20 mm
Specifikacije: Brilliant sound rich in overtones
Specifikacije II: High quality workmanship
Specifikacije III: matt lacquered
Lastnosti: Deep fundamental sound
Več lastnosti: Different tones can be produced depending on which tone wood is in the hand and with which one is struck
Dolžina: 200 mm and 190 mm
Artikel: Made in Germany

Dodatni opis:

The bars of the SELA 2-Tone Claves have different lengths (200 and 190 millimeters) and thus differ from conventional pairs of tone woods, which are usually the same length. Depending on which stick of the 2-Tone Claves you hold in your hand and with which you strike, two different fundamental tones can be produced here and the played rhythms can be varied in pitch. The SELA 2-Tone Claves are made in Germany from high-quality rosewood, which has a deep fundamental tone and delivers a powerful, brilliant sound rich in overtones.

Claves are mainly used in Latin American culture as a rhythm instrument and give music styles such as Rumba, Salsa or Bossa Nova their characteristic groove ("Clave"). They form the basic rhythmic framework to which all other instruments are oriented. But also in western pop and rock music the clave can be found again and again. Thus, the SELA 2-Tone Claves fit best in a Latin ensemble, but of course also enrich any other musical style with their distinctive sound. In addition, they inspire with their chic, reddish-brown coloring, the matt lacquered finish and the high-quality workmanship.

Material: Rosewood
Diameter: 20 mm
Specifications: Brilliant sound rich in overtones
Specifications II: High quality workmanship
Specifications III: matt lacquered
Features: Deep fundamental sound
Features II: Different tones can be produced depending on which tone wood is in the hand and with which one is struck
Length: 200 mm and 190 mm
Product: Made in Germany