SELA Art Series predstavlja novo in svežo generacijo ekstravagantnih in individualnih kalimb iz družine SELA ter ponuja opazne in edinstvene dizajne, ki so na voljo le pri SELA.
Kalimba 10 Little Monster iz serije Art Series je izdelana iz visokokakovostnega mahagonija z izjemnim in privlačnim dizajnom. Trup kalimba ojača nizke frekvence, poln, jasen in topel zvok s fascinantno resonanco. Visokokakovostne kovinske jezičke so uglašeni v C-durski tonaliteti in imajo razpon od c' do e'' (C4 – E5). Zaradi odtisnjenih not na jezičkih je kalimba primerna tako za začetnike kot tudi za izkušene glasbenike.
Lahko jo igrate kot solistični instrument in tudi kot spremljavo za pevce, glasbenike in plesalce. Sela Kalimba je zelo lahka in jo je mogoče hitro in enostavno shraniti ter prenašati v priloženo torbo. Kalimba vključuje oblazinjeno torbo za prenašanje z zanko, dodatno torbico iz blaga in kladivo za uglaševanje. Edinstven dizajn je absolutni magnet za oči in popolnoma zaokroži celoten paket kalimbe.
Zato je igranje zabavno že od samega začetka!
Barva: Natural (matt finish) with Little Monster digital print
Material: Mahagoni
Specifikacije: Sela Kalimba Little Monster (thumb piano)
Specifikacije II: Number of keys: 10
Specifikacije III: Range: c' – e'' (C4 – E5)
Lastnosti: Tuning: C major
Pribor: padded carrying bag with loop, additional cloth bag, tuning hammer
Artikel: SE 259
Dodatni opis:
The SELA Art Series represents a new and fresh generation of extravagant & individual kalimbas from the SELA family and features eye-catching and unique designs that are only available at SELA.
The Art Series Kalimba 10 Little Monster is made of high quality mahogany wood with a great and eye-catching design. The body amplifies the low frequencies, creating a full, clear and warm sound with a fascinating resonance. The high-quality metal reeds are tuned in C major and have a range of c' – e'' (C4 – E5).
Due to the stamped notes on the reeds, the kalimba is suitable for beginners as well as for advanced players. It can be played as a solo instrument and also as an accompaniment for singers, musicians and dancers. The Sela Kalimba is very lightweight and can be quickly and easily stored and transported in the included bag. The Kalimba includes a padded carrying case with loop, an additional cloth bag and a tuning hammer. The unique design is an absolute eye-catcher and rounds off the overall package of the Kalimba perfectly. So playing is fun from the beginning!
Color: Natural (matt finish) with Little Monster digital print
Material: Mahogany
Specifications: Sela Kalimba Little Monster (thumb piano)
Specifications II: Number of keys: 10
Specifications III: Range: c' – e'' (C4 – E5)
Features: Tuning: C major
Accessories: padded carrying bag with loop, additional cloth bag, tuning hammer
Product: SE 259