
SCHLAGWERK HPP stojalo za tolkala

Original price was: 62,11 €.Current price is: 59,00 €.

Šifra artikla: HPP – EAN: 4260094115509 – Skupina: Bobni in tolkala > Hardware za tolkala > Stojala za percussion – Znamka: SCHLAGWERK

2 in stock


Plošča podpira handpan na ravni podlagi na zelo nizkem nivoju. Okrogla podporna plošča deluje kot zvočni reflektor in vrača zvok nazaj v prostor. Tako je stojalo primerno za igranje s polnim zvočnim spektrom tudi na tleh. Pri igranju v naročju oblačila vedno absorbirajo nekaj zvoka. Ponev se naslanja na tri točke brez pritiska na telo glasbila, tako da resonanca ni zadušena zaradi napetosti. Ustreza vsem komercialno dostopnim handpanom.

Barva: Rjava
Les: Breza
Višina: Playing height with pan approx. 30cm

Dodatni opis:

The panplate supports the pan on a flat base on a very low profile. The circular support disc acts as a sound reflector and throws back sound into ambient room. Thus, the stand is super suitable for playing with full sound spectrum even on the floor. When playing on the lap, clothing always absorbs some of the sound. The pan rests on three points without pressure to the body, so no resonance is choked due to tension. Fits all commercially available pans.

Color: Brown
Wood: Birch
Height: Playing height with pan approx. 30cm