ECA70 ERGO CAJON ADAPTER "Nastavek, vključno z veliko sedežno blazino, je primeren za uporabo z vsemi modeli Schlagwerk CP-Cajon z višino sedeža 50 cm.
S pomočjo ECA70 je mogoče povečati površino sedeža. Hkrati je optimalen igralni pripomoček za razbremenitev hrbta in nog. Svoboda, ki jo to ustvarja za noge, zagotavlja tudi visoko raven udobja sedenja, tudi po več urah igranja. Lahko pa se kombinira s pedalom Cajon CAP100."
Specifikacije: Suitable for all Schlagwerk CP-Cajon models with seat height 50 cm
Specifikacije II: Can be combined with Cajon pedal CAP200 & CAP100
Specifikacije III: Optimum play angle for reducing strain on legs and back
Lastnosti: Optimum legroom for playing with Cajon pedal and/or HiHat machine
Pribor: Incl. cushion
Širina: 30,5 cm
Višina: 48,5
Globina: 15 cm
Dodatni opis:
"The adapter, including large seat cushion, is suitable for use with all Schlagwerk CP-Cajon models with a seat height of 50 cm. The seat surface can be enlarged with the help of the ECA70. At the same time, the optimal playing angle relieves the back and legs. The freedom this creates for the legs also ensures a high level of seating comfort, even after hours of playing. Can be combined with the Cajon Pedal CAP100."
Specifications: Suitable for all Schlagwerk CP-Cajon models with seat height 50 cm
Specifications II: Can be combined with Cajon pedal CAP200 & CAP100
Specifications III: Optimum play angle for reducing strain on legs and back
Features: Optimum legroom for playing with Cajon pedal and/or HiHat machine
Accessories: Incl. cushion
Width: 30,5 cm
Height: 48,5
Depth: 15 cm