SAVAREZ T50J TOMATITO FLAMENCO Hard strune za flamenko kitaro


Šifra artikla: T50J – EAN: 698502503732 – Skupina: Kitare > Strune za brenkala > Strune za klasično kitaro > Strune za klasično kitaro kompleti – Znamka: SAVAREZ

22 in stock


Dve NEW CRISTAL clear najlonski visoko tonski (E-1,B-2), struna ALLIANCE G-3, posrebreni basi, naviti na novo multifilamentno jedro.

SAVAREZ in Tomatito sta jih posebej izdelala za takojšen in natančen odziv, projekcijo in posebne zvoke, ki jih išče vsak igralec flamenka.

Hitrost je veliko lažje dosegljiva. Igranje flamenka z rasgueadom, alzapúo, picadom … je natančno in zanesljivo. Strune so iz novih materialov in obdelav kot rezultat najsodobnejših tehnologij, ki zagotavljajo njihovo visoko kakovost in dolgo življenjsko dobo.

Debelina strun: Trda
Material strun: Posrebreni baker
Prevlečene: Ne
Ovoj: Običajni ovoj / Roundwound
Zaključek strune: Privezni način
Specifikacije: Flamenco, Artist Signature
Specifikacije II: Trebles Clear Nylon

Dodatni opis:

Two NEW CRISTAL clear nylon trebles (E-1,B-2), ALLIANCE G-3 string, silver plated basses wound on a new multifilament core.

SAVAREZ and Tomatito specially crafted them for the immediate and precise response, the projection and the particular sounds each flamenco player is looking for.

The velocity is much easier. The flamenco playing with its rasgueado, alzapúa, picado… is free and secure.

The strings benefit from new materials and treatments, and state of the art technologies which insure their high quality and long lasting.

String Tension: Hard
String Material: Silver Plated Copper
Coated: No
Wound: Round Wound
String End: Tie
Specifications: Flamenco, Artist Signature
Specifications II: Trebles Clear Nylon