Najboljša kakovost že v zgodnjih fazah učenja: čudovit zvok, popolna intonacija, udobno igranje v kombinaciji z vsemi odtenki.
Navita struna G! Za velikost kitar 1/2, 3/4!
SAVAREZ je posebej razvil novo harmonijo med napetostjo, dinamiko in odzivnostjo strune ALLIANCE, NEW CRISTAL, CORUM in HT CLASSIC. ALLIANCE HT CLASSIC
Prodige Visoko tonske strune so iz čistega rektificiranega najlona in HT CLASSIC navite bas strune.
Debelina strun: Srednja / običajna / standardna
Material strun: Posrebreno
Prevlečene: Ne
Ovoj: Običajni ovoj / Roundwound
Specifikacije: 1/2, 3/4
Specifikacije II: Wound G string
Dodatni opis:
The best quality right from the early stages of learning :
a beautiful sound, perfect intonation, comfortable playing combined with all nuances.
SAVAREZ has specifically developed a new harmony between tension,
expansion and tightness for its ALLIANCE, NEW CRISTAL, CORUM et HT CLASSIC strings.
Clear rectified nylon trebles
HT CLASSIC wound basses
String Tension: Medium / Normal / Standard
String Material: Silver Plated
Coated: No
Wound: Round Wound
Specifications: 1/2, 3/4
Specifications II: Wound G string