PRO-MARK R5AAG REBOUND Active Grip 5A bobnarske palice


Šifra artikla: R5AAG – EAN: 616022131570 – Skupina: Bobni in tolkala > Palice in udarjalke > Bobnarske palice – Znamka: PRO-MARK

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Z novo serijo Select Balance iz ProMarka imajo bobnarji možnost izbrati težo palic, ki ustreza njihovemu slogu in tehniki igranja: Rebound Balance Palice imajo dolžino ramen 3,6 palca (7,6 cm). Zaradi tega je težišče bližje zadnjemu koncu palice, kar ustvarja večji odboj.

Les: Hickory
konica palice: Želod
material konice: Les
Premer: 14 mm (5A)
Specifikacije: Taper: Long
Specifikacije II: Finish: ActiveGrip
Dolžina: 406 mm

Dodatni opis:

With the new Select Balance Series from ProMark, drummers have the opportunity to select the stick balance that suits their playing style and technique: Rebound Balance Sticks have a shoulder length of 3 inches (7.6 cm). This makes the center of gravity closer to the rear end of the stick, which creates more rebound

Wood: Hickory
Tip Shape: Acorn
Tip Material: Wood
Diameter: 14 mm (5A)
Specifications: Taper: Long
Specifications II: Finish: ActiveGrip
Length: 406 mm