Udarjalke Milt Jackson Signature Vibraphone proizvajajo poln, bogat zvok, ki ga je Jackson pioniral na vibracijah. K temu zvoku pripomore velika glava, ki je ovita v ratan.
Barva: Naravna
Specifikacije: Ideal for jazz, big band
Specifikacije II: Hardness: 3
Specifikacije III: Manufactured in USA
Dolžina: 292,1 mm
Dodatni opis:
The PMJ is a an over-sized mallet that has a warm tone and very little attack to the bar. It features a large, red cord wrapped head on a rattan handle.
Color: Natural
Specifications: Ideal for jazz, big band
Specifications II: Hardness: 3
Specifications III: Manufactured in USA
Length: 292,1 mm