Promark JH6 udarjalke imajo glavo iz filca, v obliki padala, za najvišjo kakovost zvoka. Japonski hrast zagotavlja dodatno težo brez večjega premera udarjalke.
Barva: Rjava
Les: Hrast
Specifikacije: Ideal for: Orchestra, outdoor marching, indoor marching
Dodatni opis:
Promark JH6 timpani mallets feature German felt parachute-style covering for the highest quality of sound. Japanese oak provides added weight without a larger diameter, which yields enhanced projection. The JH6 mallet provides the lushness and warmth that is essential for your long rolls.
The Jonathan Haas series of timpani mallets are hand crafted at the highest level of quality and workmanship with the finest German felt and Japanese oak.
The Promark Jonathan Haas Series JH6 Soft Timpani mallets are crafted from Shira Kashi oak and are essential for long rolls, featuring a soft, cartwheel covering that provides lushness and warmth.
Color: Brown
Wood: Oak
Specifications: Ideal for: Orchestra, outdoor marching, indoor marching