MXR M279 Deep Phase, temelji na ikoničnem vintage vezju, je kristalno jasen z izrazitim "swoosh" efektom, aktiven v srednjem tonskem območju in se dinamično odziva vaš udarec po struni. Ne glede na to, kakšen stil glasbe igrate, se bo ta pedal prilagodil vaši intenzivnosti igranja. Zelo dobro se igra tudi v nižjih registrih, tako da na nizkih tonih zveni posebno in svojevrstno.
Tip efekta: Phaser
Vhodna upornost: 1MΩ
Izhodna upornost: < 100 Ω
Napajanje: 9V DC
Procesiranje signala: True Bypass
Poraba toka: 18 mA
Specifikacije: LFO Range 0.15 to 50 Hz
Specifikacije II: Phase Stages Mode I 4
Specifikacije III: Phase Stages Mode II 8
Dodatni opis:
MXR M279 ; Based on an iconic vintage circuit, the sound of the Deep Phase Pedal is crystal clear with a pronounced swoosh, scooped midrange, and a dynamic, voice-like response to your attack. Whether you're digging in for fat, fluid chords or gently evoking tranquil textured melodies, this pedal will adapt to your playing intensity. It plays very well with the low end of the spectrum, too, so it sounds incredible on bass. While the original suffered from a serious volume drop when engaged, the Deep Phase Pedal has been carefully designed to match your level when you kick the switch.
Effect Type: Phaser
Input Impedance: 1MΩ
Output Impedance: < 100 Ω
Power Supply: 9V DC
Signal Processing: True Bypass
Current Draw: 18 mA
Specifications: LFO Range 0.15 to 50 Hz
Specifications II: Phase Stages Mode I 4
Specifications III: Phase Stages Mode II 8