Duke of Tone Overdrive, zasnovan v sodelovanju s proizvajalcem custom kitarskih pedalov Analog Man, je za kitariste, ki želijo svoji opremi dodati pridih topline in overdrive, hkrati pa omogočiti, da zasije naravni ton in občutek njihove vrhunske opreme.
Na podlagi Prince of Tone Overdrive, enokanalne različice King of Tone Overdrive, je ta pedal uresničitev sanj poznavalca vintage stilov. Analog Mike je osebno preizkusil in uskladil vse različne komponente s King of Tone Overdrive, s čimer je zagotovil, da vrhunska zvočna zavesa ostane v vrsti nasledstva: topel, a čist in odprt zvok, ki omogoča vse nianse vaše signalne verige, od posameznih kitarskih strun do dinamike elektronk vašega ojačevalca.
Duke of Tone Overdrive prav tako prenaša enak preprost, a učinkovit nadzorni vmesnik. Gumbi za glasnost, pogon in ton pokrivajo vse vaše osnovne nastavitve, medtem ko vam stikalo Boost/OD/Distortion omogoča nastavitev celotnega odnosa izhoda pedala.
Način Boost vam daje čist, a močan ton, način OD doda kanček zrnatosti in kompresije, način Distortion pa doda kanček več vsakega in hkrati obojega. V vseh načinih vaša oprema še vedno zveni kot vaša oprema. Ne bojte se biti ustvarjalni – Duke of Tone Overdrive je odličen, ko ga združite z drugimi pedali za distorzijo, in napajanje pedala na 18 V vam bo dalo dodatno pomoč pri prostoru in jasnosti, zlasti v načinu Boost.
Za zvok, ki je vaš, vendar samo še več, ne morete narediti boljšega kot Duke of Tone Overdrive iz MXR in Analog Man. Postavite enega na vaš pedalboard in povzdignite svojo signalno verigo.
Tip efekta: Distortion
Vhodna upornost: > 450 kΩ
Izhodna upornost: < 10 kΩ
Napajanje: 9V DC
Procesiranje signala: True Bypass
Poraba toka: 6 mA
Specifikacije: This pedal cannot be powered by a battery.
Dodatni opis:
Designed in conjunction with indie pedal builder Analog Man, the MXR Duke of Tone Overdrive is for players who want to add a touch of warmth and grit to their rig while allowing the natural tone and feel of their high-end gear to shine.
Based on the Prince of Tone Overdrive, the single-channel version of the King of Tone Overdrive, this pedal is a vintage connoisseur’s dream come true. Analog Mike personally tested and matched all of the various thru-hole components to the King of Tone Overdrive, ensuring that sweet sonic seasoning stays in the line of succession: a warm-yet-clear-and-open sound that allows all of the nuances of your signal chain to come through, from your individual guitar strings to the dynamics of your amp’s tubes.
The Duke of Tone Overdrive likewise carries forward the same simple-yet-effective control interface. Volume, Drive, and Tone knobs cover all your basic tweaks while the Boost/OD/Distortion switch allows you to set the overall attitude of the pedal’s output.
Boost mode gives you a clean-yet-vigorous bump, OD mode adds a touch of grit and compression, and Distortion mode adds a touch more of each. In all modes, your rig still sounds like your rig. Don’t be afraid to get creative—the Duke of Tone Overdrive is excellent when stacked with other gain pedals, and running the pedal on 18V will give you an extra helping of headroom and clarity, especially in Boost mode.
For a sound that’s yours, but only more of it, you can’t do better than the Duke of Tone Overdrive from MXR and Analog Man. Put one on your pedalboard, and elevate your signal chain.
Effect Type: Distortion
Input Impedance: > 450 kΩ
Output Impedance: < 10 kΩ
Power Supply: 9V DC
Signal Processing: True Bypass
Current Draw: 6 mA
Specifications: This pedal cannot be powered by a battery.