
MUSIC SALES Ultimate Beginner DVD DVD učni dvd za violončelo

Original price was: 18,90 €.Current price is: 13,23 €.

Šifra artikla: 903374 – EAN: 654979033745 – Skupina: Knjige in media > Song book in šole > Song book in šole za godala – Znamka: MUSIC SALES

2 in stock


Serija Ultimate Beginner je številnim nadobudnim glasbenikom pomagala narediti prvi korak k izvajanju glasbe. Zdaj lahko prvi in drugi zvezek skupaj doživite skupaj na DVD -ju! Ta izdelek je kot nalašč za začetnike, za študente, ki preidejo na drug instrument, ali pa kot osvežitev za čeliste, ki se po dolgih letih vračaja k igranju inštrumenta.

Dodatni opis:

The Ultimate Beginner Series has helped many aspiring musicians take their first step toward experiencing the fun of playing music. Now you can experience both volume 1 and 2 together for the first time on DVD! This disc is perfect for beginning students, for students who are changing to another instrument, or as a refresher for player returning to the instrument after many years. You will learn about Care and Maintenance, Posture and Hand Positioning, Simple Bowing and Plucking Techniques, Basic Finger Patterns For Major Scales. Special features include: Getting To Know The Instrument Feature; Beginning Music Theory Interactive; Printable Reference Materials.