Meinl Thunder Drum TD-S poustvari atmosferske zvoke nevihte. To je enostaven instrument za vsakega tolkalca, ki ga je mogoče enostavno nadzorovati za ustvarjanje več dinamike in učinkov. Uporablja se lahko v številnih nastavitvah, od predstav in terapije do snemanja scenskih in zvočnih učinkov.
TD-S je manjša različica Meinlovega groma.
Barva: Brown Sunburst
Specifikacije: Easily controllable to create multiple dynamics and effects, this unique
Specifikacije II: Small size
Teža: 148 g
Dodatni opis:
The Meinl Thunder Drum TD-S recreate the atmospheric sounds of a thunder storm. Easily controllable to create multiple dynamics and effects, this is a unique instrument for any percussionist. Can be used in many settings from performances and therapy to stage and sound effects recording.
Color: Brown Sunburst
Specifications: Easily controllable to create multiple dynamics and effects, this unique
Specifications II: Small size
Weight: 148 g