Z razmerjem 80/20 bakra in cinka v ovojni žici je serija BRIGHT zasnovana za subtilno izboljšanje svetlih in bolj definiranih tonov, kar vaši akustični kitari doda projekcijo in odzivnost.
Strune Markbass so izdelane v tovarni v Abruzzu (Italija) z uporabo najboljših izbranih inovativnih materialov in vrhunskih kontrol kakovosti, ki se ujemajo s starodavno tradicijo mojstrov izdelovalcev strun. Morda marsikdo ne ve, da so Abruci že od preteklih stoletij domovina skoraj vseh izdelovalcev godal. Umetnost izdelovanja strun se je rodila v tem čudovitem delu sveta in številne odlične blagovne znamke na današnjem svetovnem trgu lahko tukaj sledijo svojemu izvoru, to je zgodovina, ki jo sestavljajo spretne roke, trdo delo, odrekanja in veliko genijalnosti: tipične lastnosti ljudi iz Abruzza.
Umetnost in znanje sta bila izvožena tudi po vsem svetu in ponujata vrhunski izdelek z izjemno zmogljivostjo, neverjetnim občutkom, intonacijo in zanesljivostjo! Po svetovnem uspehu, ki so ga dosegli s strunami Markbass, in osupljivem številu povpraševanj, ki so jim prejeli za kitarske strune, so zdaj pripravljeni nadaljevati zgodovino in tradicijo starodavnih mojstrov godal Abruzzo ter kitaristom dati najboljše strune, ki si jih zaslužijo.
Debelina strun: 011 – 052
Material strun: 80/20 bron
Prevlečene: Ne
Ovoj: Običajni ovoj / Roundwound
Zaključek strune: Kroglica
Specifikacije: String gauge: 011, 015, 024, 032, 042, 052
Dodatni opis:
With an 80/20 ratio of copper and zinc within the wrap wire, the BRIGHT series is designed to subtly enhance bright and detailed tones with a scooped mid, adding projection and punch to your acoustic guitar.
Mark Strings are made at factory in Abruzzo (Italy), using the best selected innovative materials and ultimate quality controls matched with the ancient tradition of master string makers. Maybe not many people know that since the past centuries Abruzzo has been the motherland of almost all string makers.
The art of string making was born in this beautiful part of the world and many great brands in today’s worldwide market can trace their own origins here, it's a history made of skilled hands, hard work, sacrifices and so much genius: typical features of people from Abruzzo. This artistry and know how have been exported worldwide as well, offering a superior product with exceptional performance, amazing feeling, intonation and reliability!
After the worldwide success they got with Markbass Strings and the staggering number of request they received for guitar strings they are now ready to continue Abruzzo ancient master strings' history and tradition, giving to Guitarist the best strings they deserve.
String Gauge: 011 – 052
String Material: 80/20 Bronze
Coated: No
Wound: Round Wound
String End: Ball End
Specifications: String gauge: 011, 015, 024, 032, 042, 052