Bobnarski stoli serije Mapex 800 so zasnovani tako, da so trdna osnova za vsakega bobnarja. Robustna konstrukcija vretena z dvojnimi oporniki in navojem zagotavlja izjemno zanesljivo podporo, udobne podporne komponente sedeža pa poskrbijo, da se bobnar dobro počuti tudi pri najbolj intenzivnem igranju.
Stol: 17" x 4" Saddle-Style Cushioned
Specifikacije: Ultra-Secure Clamp Mount Compared to a traditional direct-contact seat mount, the 800 Series Ultra-S
Specifikacije II: Spindle Lock Once adjusted to the desired height, the Spindle Lock secures the spindle in place for
Specifikacije III: Extra Large Slip-Proof Feet Enlarged and extra durable slip-proof feet keep the throne in place on a
Lastnosti: Double-Braced Tripod
Dodatni opis:
Mapex 800 series thrones are designed to be a solid foundation for any player. Rugged double braced and threaded spindle construction provide ultra-reliable support and comfortable supportive seat features keep any drummer feeling good through even the most intense playing.
Throne: 17" x 4" Saddle-Style Cushioned
Specifications: Ultra-Secure Clamp Mount Compared to a traditional direct-contact seat mount, the 800 Series Ultra-S
Specifications II: Spindle Lock Once adjusted to the desired height, the Spindle Lock secures the spindle in place for
Specifications III: Extra Large Slip-Proof Feet Enlarged and extra durable slip-proof feet keep the throne in place on a
Features: Double-Braced Tripod