

Original price was: 91,58 €.Current price is: 87,00 €.

Šifra artikla: B600BLK – EAN: 6947299519131 – Skupina: Bobni in tolkala > Hardware za tolkala > Stojala za činele – Znamka: MAPEX

1 in stock


Lahko, a zelo funkcionalno stojalo za boom činele iz serije Mars Hardware, ki bo služilo potrebam nastopajočih bobnarjev, ki si morajo olajšati breme, ali mlajšim glasbenikom, ki želijo narediti večjo nadgradnjo. Vsebuje večstopenjske nagibe činel, ki omogočajo priročno pozicioniranje, ter tristopenjsko nastavitev višine, ki poveča prilagodljivost pri pozicioniranju činel in se dodatno zloži za kompaktno shranjevanje. Druge značilnosti vključujejo narebričeno skrito roko in konkavno obliko noge z dvojnimi oporniki z gumijastimi nogami, ki preprečujejo drsenje.

Barva: Črna
tip: Žirafa
Barva okovja: Črna
Specifikacije: Multi-step boom and cymbal tilters allow for convenient positioning.
Specifikacije II: The Three-tiered height adjustment increases flexibility in cymbal positioning and collapses further for compact storage
Specifikacije III: Multi-Step Boom and Cymbal Tilters

Dodatni opis:

Lightweight yet highly functional boom cymbal stand from Mars Hardware series that will serve the needs of gigging drummers needing to lighten their load or younger players looking to make a major upgrade. It features multi-step boom and cymbal tilters that allow for convenient positioning, and the three-tiered height adjustment that increases flexibility in cymbal positioning and collapses further for compact storage. Other features include a knurled hideaway boom arm and concave double-braced leg shape with slip-proof rubber feet. Black colour.

Color: Black
Type: Boom
Hardware Finish: Black
Specifications: Multi-step boom and cymbal tilters allow for convenient positioning.
Specifications II: The Three-tiered height adjustment increases flexibility in cymbal positioning and collapses further for compact storage
Specifications III: Multi-Step Boom and Cymbal Tilters