Jupiter JFL700WRE · Prečna flavta
Sproščen igralni položaj, raven hrbet in sproščeno dihanje so osnova za živahno oblikovanje zvoka in veselje do muziciranja. Pomemben predpogoj za to so glasbila, ki so usmerjena na telesno zgradbo glasbenika.
Jupiter JFL700WRE Prečna flavta tradicionalne konstrukcije lahko privede do težav, odvisno od starosti in velikosti posameznika, ki omejujejo uživanje v igranju glasbe. Potreba po otrokom prijazni flavti je v osemdesetih letih 20. stoletja z Jupitrom pripeljala do razvoja flavte z upognjeno glavo. Ta tako imenovana "U-head flavta" je mlajšim otrokom omogočila ustrezen dostop do igranja na flavto.
telo: Posrebreno
E-mehanizem: Da
noga: C noga
Specifikacije: Tuning: C
Specifikacije II: Head joint shape: Waveline
Specifikacije III: Offset G: yes
Lastnosti: Metal plugs for Ring Caps
Več lastnosti: Lip plate: Oval
Posebnosti: Mechanics: Y-Mechanic
Pribor: Case with Pocket, Transverse Flute, Maintenance Tools
Dodatni opis:
Jupiter JFL700WRE · Transverse Flute
A relaxed playing position, a straight back and relaxed breathing are the base for a lively sound shaping as well as the joy of making music.
Musical instruments, which are oriented on the body structure of the musician, are an important prerequisite for this. A transverse flute of traditional construction can lead to problems, depending on age and body size, which restrict the enjoyment of playing music.
The need for a child-friendly flute led to the development of a flute with a bent head piece in the 1980s with Jupiter. This so-called "U-head flute" made it possible for younger children to have a proper access to flute playing.
Body: Silver Plated
E-Mechanism: Yes
Foot Joint: C Foot
Specifications: Tuning: C
Specifications II: Head joint shape: Waveline
Specifications III: Offset G: yes
Features: Metal plugs for Ring Caps
Features II: Lip plate: Oval
Features III: Mechanics: Y-Mechanic
Accessories: Case with Pocket, Transverse Flute, Maintenance Tools