Modra harmonika Hohner XS je bila razvita posebej za otroke in mladostnike. Zaradi svoje lahke, kompaktne zasnove je harmonika idealna za začetek igranja harmonike . Harmonika XS ima novo razvito ergonomsko konstrukcijo za optimalno udobje igranja. Nosilni sistem Click and Play omogoča preprosto nošenje instrumenta. Ločeno je na voljo sistem pasov za odrasle, tako da se harmonika Hohner XS popolnoma prilega. Ohišje in notranja konstrukcija sta izdelana iz trpežne plastike, zaradi česar je instrument zelo robusten.
HOHNER XS je nekaj povsem novega in inovativnega v svetu harmonike in odpira vrata čudoviti novi glasbeni izkušnji za otroke, ki imajo radi glasbo! Še nikoli prej ta navidezno težak inštrument ni bil tako lahek. Zahvaljujoč inovativnim materialom je HOHNER XS postal lahek, a robusten instrument.
HOHNER XS združuje čudovit dizajn z inovativnimi materiali in edinstveno ergonomsko konstrukcijo. HOHNER XS Ergonomska konstrukcija te harmonike nudi otrokom optimalno udobje pri igranju in tako zagotavlja brezmejno veselje pri ustvarjanju glasbe. HOHNER XS je zato popolnoma prilagojena potrebam otrok.
Barva: Dark blue/ orange
Število tipk: Piano Keys: 21, Number of notes: 21 (B-G)
Pribor: Click and Play Carrying System Kid, Gigbag
Višina: 28,5 cm
Globina: 14 cm
Teža: 2,9 kg
Dodatni opis:
The Hohner XS accordion in blue was specially developed for children and young people. Thanks to its light, compact design, the accordion is ideal for those just starting to play the accordion, even at an early age. The XS accordion has a newly developed ergonomic design for optimal playing comfort. The Click and Play carrying system makes the instrument easy to put on. For adults, there is a separately available belt system so that the Hohner XS accordion fits perfectly. The housing and the internal construction are made of durable plastic, which makes the instrument very robust.
The HOHNER XS is something completely new and innovative in the accordion world and opens the doors to a wonderful new musical experience for music-loving children! Never before has this seemingly heavy instrument been such a flyweight. Thanks to innovative materials, the HOHNER XS has become a light yet robust instrument. ACCESS THE WORLD OF MUSIC.
The HOHNER XS combines breathtaking design with innovative materials and a unique ergonomic construction. HOHNER XS The ergonomic construction of this accordion offers children optimal playing comfort and thus provides limitless joy in making music. The HOHNER XS is therefore perfectly tailored to the needs of children.
Color: Dark blue/ orange
Number of Keys: Piano Keys: 21, Number of notes: 21 (B-G)
Accessories: Click and Play Carrying System Kid, Gigbag
Height: 28,5 cm
Depth: 14 cm
Weight: 2,9 kg